Chapter Four: Residential Life
Welcome to Residential Life at University of Bridgeport!
Mission StatementStaff
Student Employment Positions in Residential Life
Residence Hall Living from A to Z
Bicycles, Motorcycles, Mopeds, and Hoverboards
Break Housing
Check-In/Check-Out Procedures
Community Spaces
Community Standards
Custodial Staff
Damage Policy
Dining and Meal Plan Options
Double As Single Conversion Process
Eligibility Requirements
Emergency Broadcast System
Fire Safety
Food Storage
Guest Policy
Housing Fees
Identification Cards (UB ID)
Inappropriate/Disruptive Behavior
Indoor Sports
Internet Connections and Network Usage
Key Control and Lockouts
Kitchens Laundry Services
Mail Center (MC)
Maintenance and Housekeeping
Off-Campus Housing
Parking on Campus
Personal Property
Pest Control
Prohibited Items
Quiet Hours and Courtesy Hours
Recycling and Sustainability
Residence Hall Public Area Usage
Residence Hall Refund Policy
Residence Hall Security
Residency Requirement
Room Amenities and Furnishings
Room Change Procedures
Room Entry and Search
Room, Wall, and Door Decorating
Roommate Tips
Room Selection Process
Safety Policies and Procedures
Tobacco and Smoking Policy
Vacancy Checks
The Office of Housing and Residential Life promotes residents to be encouraged, engaged, and empowered.
College students typically spend 90% of their time outside the classroom. Living on campus is an important and transformative part of students’ development at University of Bridgeport. Our knowledgeable staff is committed to promoting residents’ academic excellence and personal growth. Residents are:
- Exploring independent living and discovering their self-identity
- Developing a sense of integrity and accepting accountability
- Seeking awareness and advocating for their community
The Office of Housing and Residential Life is open from 9 a.m.-7 p.m., Monday-Friday and is located at the rear of Seeley Hall. Contact Information:
- Mailing Address: Seeley Hall, Rear Entrance, 490 Waldemere Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604
- Telephone: 203- 576-4228; Fax: 203-576-2536; Email: dz9mkouwd6gsfdzxuemwhe3tycc.zpficcetedc4mqr364g5coel5h55pdo1doge8i8hvngc8tm5kdnz5uwkiki7kvrjvumsbqqn3n@9cfvamehcfuvmfngiinkivg74liaflvas9drfqle8fc1xhr
The Office of Housing and Residential Life (Res. Life) employs over 65 student and professional staff with one goal in mind - providing residents with secure, stimulating, and substantial living environments that promote building connections with students and employees within the University community. The director of housing and residential life (DHRL) is responsible for overseeing the entire residential living community structure, coordinating a staff that consists of resident directors (RDs), hall & staff support (HSS), graduate assistants (GAs), senior resident assistants (SRAs), resident assistants (RAs), residential facilities assistants (RFAs), office assistants (OAs), and front desk assistants (FDAs) to ensure that residents are receiving the high-quality programs and services they need and deserve. Our professional staff includes:
Director of housing and residential life (DHRL) - The DHRL assists in the overall supervision and direction for the department, directly supervises and mentors’ professional staff, coordinates staff trainings, and leads department-wide residence education and programming efforts.
Resident directors (RDs) - a residence hall community is managed by full-time, live-in professional staff members who assist residents with personal and academic concerns, supervises the hall’s student staff, promotes intentionally designed programs, responds to policy matters, and provides skilled response to a variety of student issues. Also known as “Pro Staff.”
Hall & staff support (HSS) - works on a specific housing or residential life operation, provide administrative office support, serve as a university and department resource liaison, assist residents, student staff, and campus partners with questions and concerns.
There are dozens of student leaders working within our residence halls with one goal in mind — to provide our students with a secure, stimulating, and enjoyable living environment during their time at the university. Through these leadership positions within the department, students gain valuable professional experience, learn and grow within a vibrant community, and make personal and professional connections that will last a lifetime. Each position offers a unique perspective, focusing on a different aspect of the overall on-campus living experience.
Resident Assistant (RA) - RAs are undergraduate and graduate paraprofessional staff members who work to build a residential community conducive to student success by encouraging students to become engaged in campus programs, referring students to needed campus services, and helping students with whatever concerns they may have in the residence halls.
Community Assistant (CA) - CAs are undergraduate paraprofessional staff members who will have the same requirements and basic job responsibilities as a Resident Assistant with additional functions and responsibilities. This role is a support to their RA team, their department, and their supervisor.
Office Assistant (OA) - The OAs are undergraduate/graduate paraprofessional staff that assist in the daily operations of either the main Residential Life Office or the office within each residence hall.
Front Desk Assistant (FDA) - These undergraduate and graduate paraprofessional staff members serve as greeters for families/guests in the residence halls, promote visitation policy compliance, and respond to guest and student concerns, and enforces policy.
Residence Hall Association (RHA) - RHA consists of an executive board which advocates for the needs of our residential students and creates traditional late night and weekend programming and events on campus. Every resident who lives on campus is a member of RHA and along with being welcome at each meeting is eligible to become an RHA delegate representing the dorm building and fellow residents.
Hall Council - The Hall Council for each residence hall is the representative body for that building. Elected officers chosen each year represent their peers and create educational and social events in the residence hall under the guidance of RHA and their RD. Hall Council members may also represent their building in the Residence Hall Association.
Each room is provided with a Twin XL bed, desk, desk chair, closet or wardrobe, overhead light, and dresser. Each room has a micro-fridge, which is a one-unit combination refrigerator, freezer, and microwave. No items/furniture are allowed to be removed from the room by students. Students must provide their own ethernet cords. Common areas have televisions and/or gaming equipment available in the social and main lounges of each residence hall, but this varies from hall to hall.
Chaffee Hall - 411 University Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06604
Chaffee Hall offers traditional coeducational living to up to 140 students in traditional two-person rooms, as well as a select number of single occupancy rooms. Located adjacent to Marina Dining Hall, Chaffee Hall provides an ideal environment for students finishing their undergraduate careers. Chaffee Hall provides residents with the comfort of air conditioning within all residential rooms.
Health Sciences Undergrad Location - 141 Linden Avenue
The Health Sciences Living Community for undergraduate students houses up to seven students between two floors with laundry in the basement. Students enrolled in an undergraduate Health Science program can enjoy the comforts of a home with all the benefits of living on campus. Located next to the Hubbell Gymnasium, the Health Science House is within walking distance of the academic buildings, library, and security. Students enrolled full-time in Biology, Health Science, Medical Laboratory, Fones Dental Hygiene Program, or similar programs are eligible to live in the house.
Honors House - 250 Myrtle Ave
Houses up to seven students between two floors, co-ed mixed housing. Honors House - 250 Myrtle Ave. The undergraduate honors house will accommodate up to seven students between two floors in a co-ed mixed house. The house is located right next to the Student Center and is diagonal from the new manufacturing building. Students will benefit from the opportunities to collaborate with peers in their large community living room and dining room. Students are required to be in good judicial standing.
Seeley Hall - 490 Waldemere Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06604
Seeley Hall is a traditional coeducational residence hall housing up to 180 students. Seeley Hall is also home to our first-year students, which provides a common experience for our students with staff purposely focused on assisting in the transition to college life. Seeley Hall offers several special interest living communities and is conveniently located near the Marina Dining Hall; it also houses the Office of Housing and Residential Life. The main floor of Seeley offers students a television lounge, recreation room area, a laundry room, and a community kitchen.
University Hall - 40 Rennell St, Bridgeport, CT 06604
University Hall opened in 2016. This modern, sustainably designed, 60,000 sq. ft., four-story facility houses over 200 students in two residence configurations, including apartments with single bedrooms and traditional residence hall double bedrooms with many lounges and meeting rooms.
Students who qualify to live in this area typically fall into one or more of the following categories: Starting an undergraduate degree at 22 years of age or over, married/married with dependents, single parents, domestic partners/civil unions, graduate students, or a student who works part-time/attends courses full-time OR works full-time/attends courses part-time.
Non-traditional/graduate housing locations are fully furnished apartments and houses. Each student room is provided with an XL twin bed, desk, desk chair, closet or wardrobe, and a dresser. Some locations have an overhead light, other locations require students to purchase lamps. No items or furniture are allowed to be removed from the room, apartment, or house by students. Students must provide their own ethernet cords. Common areas have living room and or dining room furniture, which varies from location to location.
Barnum Hall - 150 Marina Park Circle, Bridgeport, CT 06604
Barnum Hall, located near Marina Dining Hall, is a traditional coeducational building that can house nearly 200 students in traditional two-person rooms, as well as a select number of single occupancy rooms. The main floor offers residents a recreation room, laundry room, community kitchen, and television lounge. Health Sciences Living Community - Located blocks away from the Health Science buildings.
The Health Sciences Living Community (HSLC) has two houses. 174 Waldemere Avenue and 153 Linden Avenue.
These locations provide up to 24 students enrolled in the graduate Health Sciences programs with the comforts of a home plus all the benefits of living on campus. Located near Hubbell Gymnasium, the HSLC is only a few minutes from the academic buildings. 174 Waldemere includes an amazing view of Seaside Park and Long Island Sound. Students enrolled full-time in the Physician Assistant program, Chiropractic program, Fones Dental Hygiene program, Acupuncture program, and accelerated medical programs are eligible to live in these houses.
University Place Apartments - Located at the corner of Atlantic Street and Rennell Street
University Place Apartments (UPA) is an apartment-style living option for graduate and professional students only. Located behind the Wheeler Recreation Center, it has 32 full size apartments which consist of a limited number of furnished one-bedroom apartments and many two-bedroom apartments. Students are responsible for installation and monthly payments of electricity and other services if desired such as cable, internet, and telephone service.
University Houses - 6-8 Warren Ct., 65-67 Myrtle Ave., 276 Park Ave., and 279-281 Atlantic St.
The University also owns and maintains several neighborhood homes as student housing for continuing students and graduate students. These homes may also be used for Special Interest Living Communities.
6-8 Warren Court - This location is two apartments in one house with co-ed living optional.
The first-floor apartment (6 Warren Court) is one level only and houses up to two students with a full bathroom, living room, and kitchen. The second apartment (8 Warren Court) is two levels starting on the second floor. It houses up to three students with one full bathroom, living room, kitchen, and a suite bedroom (without a private bathroom) on the 3rd floor. The laundry for this house is located in the basement. All utilities are included.
65-67 Myrtle Avenue - This location is two apartments in one house with co-ed living optional.
The first-floor apartment (67 Myrtle) is one level only and houses up to three male students with a full bathroom, living room, kitchen along with a washer and dryer. The second-floor apartment (65 Myrtle) is two levels starting on the second floor. It houses up to seven female students, with 2 full bathrooms, 2 community spaces, kitchen, and dining room, plus laundry in unit and all utilities included.
276 Park Avenue (Stratford Hall) - Houses up to seven students between two floors, co-ed housing.
This location is treated as one house with kitchen and full bathroom on each floor, living room and dining room on 1st floor, laundry on the 2nd floor, ensuite bedroom (with private living room and bathroom) on the 2nd floor. All utilities are included.
279-281 Atlantic Street - Houses up to five male students between two floors.
This location is treated as one house, with a kitchen and full bathroom on each floor, living room on 1st floor, laundry on the 2nd floor, and all utilities included.
Your housing and residential life experience
You have many privileges as a member of the Housing and Residential Life community, which is dependent on how we (residents, and Res. Life staff) collaborate to create a respectful community. We do this by providing:
- A living environment that is safe and secure. We expect you to work together to protect yourself, your belongings, and other residents by always locking your door, abiding by residence hall policies designed to protect all residents, keeping your community secure by never letting unknown individuals into the hall, and following instructions provided by Campus Security and Residential Life staff.
- The ability to sleep, study, and socialize in a space conducive to your personal and academic success. We expect you to work together to observe the Quiet and Courtesy Hours Policy, to act in a manner which is respectful of others, and to be aware of how your actions impact your roommate and other hall residents.
- Privacy within your room, to freely use the designated space provided to you in your room, and to be free from unwanted guests within your room. We expect you to speak with your roommate about your personal preferences regarding sleeping, studying, and guests in the room and to work respectfully with your roommate to establish mutually agreeable guidelines for your room.
- A variety of programs and events designed to promote your personal growth and ability to live in a supportive living environment for you to enjoy. We expect you to work together to be an active, contributing member of your residence hall and to promote a positive campus community.
- A community where you can speak with other students about how their behavior may be impacting you within the residence hall. We expect you to work together to communicate in a respectful manner and to be aware of how your actions and behaviors may be impacting others.
- Knowledge on what items and behaviors are allowed and not allowed in the residence halls and as a student of University of Bridgeport. We expect that you read and know all information provided by the University in the Key to UB: Student Handbook, in the Housing/Meal License, and any other official documents related to your time as a UB student.
- Assistance as members of the University Staff and Administration, including staff members of the Office of Housing and Residential Life, to answer questions and resolve concerns. We expect that you will appropriately notify staff of your concerns, to cooperate with them as they respond to your issue, and to have realistic expectations regarding what can be done to resolve your concerns.
- A space for you to be treated fairly and respectfully by University staff. We expect that you will work together to comply with reasonable instructions given by University and Residential Life staff, including providing access to your room if it is necessary for them to perform their duties.
The Office of Housing and Residential Life seeks to provide each student with a living experience that supports their engagement and academic success. To maintain a strong community, there are guidelines for appropriate behavior. All students are responsible for abiding by all University policies and procedures, including those stated throughout this handbook and in the Housing Agreement.
While the Office of Housing and Residential Life makes every effort to assign students into requested residence halls, we cannot guarantee that all requests will be possible.
Students with documented short- or long-term medical conditions may request special housing arrangements through the office of Student Accessibility Services. These requests may relate to having special room assignments (example: living on the 1st or 2nd floor or a single room). Upon receipt of required materials by the office of Student Accessibility Services, the request will be reviewed to determine its urgency and medical necessity and such determinations will be communicated to both the student and the Office of Housing and Residential Life.
Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited in all common areas of residence halls. Students may not possess alcohol or alcohol containers, or drink from open containers of alcohol, in common areas of the residence halls. Students under the age of 21 may not possess alcohol or alcohol containers or consume alcohol anywhere on University of Bridgeport’s campus. Students 21 and over may not publicly consume alcohol on campus unless it is an approved University function that allows public consumption. In addition, students 21 and over may not consume or possess alcohol in the presence of anyone under the age of 21. UNDER CONNECTICUT LAW, THE USE BY A MINOR OF ALCOHOL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY IS ILLEGAL AND THE OWNER AND/OR OPERATOR OF THE LOCATION MAY BE HELD CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES.
The only UL-approved appliances that are permitted in the residence halls are razors, fans, Keurig, auto shutoff coffee makers, auto shutoff irons, radios, stereos, computers, TVs, and lamps (Halogen and torchiere-type floor lamps are strictly prohibited). Because they are safety hazards, students are not permitted to use broilers, toasters, George foreman grills, waffle makers, rice cookers, hot plates, candles, halogen lamps, torchiere floor lamps, deep fryers or other items specified by residence life staff (exception: cooking appliances are permitted in areas with full kitchens, such as the University Hall Apartments, University Place Apartments, Houses, and community kitchens in all other residence halls). Storage for cooking appliances in the residence halls consists of the appliance being placed in its original box or a storage bin. Unauthorized use of such items is subject to a fine(s) and removal. Personal air conditioners and space heaters are also prohibited due to their power loads and our concern for fire safety. Where micro-fridge units are provided, additional units are prohibited . For additional items not allowed within the residence halls, please see Prohibited Items in this chapter.
Housing is available during the winter and summer term for students living in the residence halls. There is an additional charge for winter and summer housing. Monthly and weekly rates vary; however, the daily rate is a minimum of $32 per day and can be higher depending on accommodation type. For more information about break housing please visit your housing portal through the UB Portal.
The following transportation list is not permitted to be ridden inside any residential location. Please note this list is not inclusive of all devices: bicycles, motorcycles, mopeds, electrical scooters, skateboards, etc. The storage of these transportation devices needs to be discussed with your Resident Director. Transportation items which use gasoline are not permitted to be stored inside any residential location. You are responsible for supplying your own lock when using the bicycle rack. We recommend purchasing renter’s insurance for all transportation vehicles. University of Bridgeport does not take responsibility for stolen property. Hover boards are prohibited on campus and at any University property.
Residents must be fully registered for classes for the upcoming semester, be up to date on all financial obligations and medical/immunization records, and provide picture proof of identity before moving into the residence halls. All residents must maintain full-time status, a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, and meet all health requirements to be admitted to and remain in a residence hall. Requests must be sent to the DHRL or designee for permission to waive any of these requirements.
Checking In:
- Students may check-in for the semester shortly before classes begin (dates will be sent via email with your housing assignment).
- No one is admitted prior to that time without permission from the DHRL or designee.
- Early arrivals are only granted for returning UB undergraduate students who submit requests through the housing portal. New graduate students, domestic or international, can either request early arrival date through their housing application or request temporary housing accommodations through the housing portal.
- Forfeiture of a student’s assigned room is effective if the occupant(s) fail(s) to check-in by the end of the second week of classes. Another room will be assigned if one is available after that time. The occupant is still financially responsible until the occupant communicates with the Office of Housing and Residential Life that they are no longer in need of housing or until such time as s/he is determined to be a “NO SHOW” by Residential Life staff.
- Non-Traditional/Graduate Housing students will need to outline their expected date of arrival within their Housing Application. Further directions for arrival will be sent via email.
Checking out:
Whenever a resident leaves an assigned room to move to another room, when the semester ends or when the student withdraws from University housing and/or the University, Residential Life staff must inspect the room for cleanliness, damage, and missing furniture. At this time, a resident must return key(s), complete a checkout form, and electronically sign the check-out and key return. Residential Life staff will review the room condition form to assess damages. Please refer to the section on Damage Policy for more information on our damage billing process.
Each residence hall includes community spaces which residents are encouraged to utilize including:
- Community Kitchens - stovetops located conveniently in each hall allow students to do light cooking.
- Community Lounges - with their large flat-screen TVs, the community lounges are popular spaces for students to come together and enjoy themselves in the hall.
- Recreation Rooms - offering pool, ping pong, or foosball tables, these are great places for students to hang out; Residential Life also offers the free use of an assortment of gaming systems.
- Laundry Facilities - each hall has multiple washer/dryer units for students to use at no charge.
- Study rooms - each hall has a space on one or more floors where students can study outside of their rooms. On the 1st floor of University Hall there is a study space that includes two computers and one printer. Remember to bring your own printer paper.
- The following rooms are available to reserve upon request from the Resident Director of the building.
- Compass Room - is a conference room style space located in Barnum Hall for students.
- Conference Room - is a conference room style space located in University Hall for students.
- Activity Room - is a private recreational room for meetings and small events located in University Hall.
Residence Halls are vibrant communities filled with students from throughout the nation and the world. As such, residents will meet people who come from different cultures, backgrounds, and belief systems. We expect that all students will act in a respectful manner to each other and toward everyone they meet during their time at the University. Therefore, it is important for residents to attend floor meetings to contribute to the development of each area’s community standards. We also expect that all students will abide by University and Residential Life policies to help ensure that our UB community remains a safe, secure, and enjoyable environment for all those who live on campus.
Get to know your custodial staff, also known as housekeeping staff. Each house has one housekeeper and each residence hall building has one male and one female custodian. Housekeeping staff clean the common areas of the residence hall daily — bathrooms, kitchens, and lounges. Students are expected to take all their garbage to the garbage room and take care of keeping the common areas clean out of respect for their hall mates and housekeeping team. Residents are responsible for the cleanliness and upkeep of their room including taking out all garbage and keeping the room in a clean, presentable condition. In the houses, our custodial staff cleans all common areas and stairwells once a week. Houses are responsible for taking the garbage bins to the street on Thursday night for Friday morning pick up. A room/apartment/house cleaning schedule can be a helpful tool to prevent issues from occurring throughout the semester. You can reach out to your RA for chore charts. UPA and University Hall Suites are private residences that custodial staff do not enter to clean.
As indicated in the Residence Hall Contract, residential students will be held responsible for room and public area damage. Any damage, excessive cleaning, or missing furniture will be billed to the student responsible including any charges associated with misplaced and/or lost keys. Damage charges can begin as low as $50 and can increase to cover all expenses. Any questions concerning damage charges should be directed to Residential Life staff immediately. All occupants of a room will share charges if there is a dispute over who caused the damage(s). Personal property left behind will be disposed of or donated to charity 20 days from when the student no longer lives on campus. For additional information, please see policy on Personal Property, Abandoned Property and Storage in this chapter. In addition, if a student fails to check out properly, a $200 fee will be assessed to the student’s account and the student cannot contest any applied charges.
Community damage billing
Public area damage will be assessed for each student in a particular hall or floor/wing on a prorated basis. Charges for anonymous damage to community spaces that cannot be attributed to a responsible person will be divided among occupants and affected floor and/or hall residents, respectively. Students will be notified by RAs of community concerns by email and floor meetings. If the community concerns are not resolved after the RA’s third notification, the Resident Director will intervene. The Resident Director will provide a warning email about community concerns along with the potential community cost. If it persists, the next email communication from the Resident Director will indicate the cost of the community damage bill per resident.
Communal area damages such as flooding caused by intentionally vandalized plumbing, intentional elevator vandalism, and the pulling of false fire alarms, for example, will be billed equally to all residents of that hall/floor unless the responsible parties can be determined or take responsibility for their actions. Damages associated with vandalism will result in immediate charges to student’s accounts with notification from the Resident Director, no warning provided. Disputes of community damage billing must be directed to the Resident Director of the building within 14 days of the email notification from the Resident Director.
Residential hall students may select one of two meal plans which is automatically included in the price of on-campus housing. Graduate students may request a meal plan through residential life for any of the plans below. Students may elect to purchase flex points for their UB ID card to use at Sodexho dining locations on campus through the Dining Office located in Marina Hall. Each meal plan includes a set number of meals per semester that the student can use at Marina Dining Hall. Additionally, each meal plan includes an amount of dining dollars or flex points which can be used in place of cash at Sodexho dining locations on campus. Dining dollars only roll over from fall to spring, not spring to summer or fall. Flex points roll over to the next semester. Students may request to change their meal plan, online through the MyUB Portal, during the first three weeks of the semester ONLY.
Residential meal plans
- MP20 - includes 225 meals per semester at Marina Dining Hall and $450 in dining dollars per semester.
- MP21 - includes 150 meals per semester at Marina Dining Hall and $700 in dining dollars per semester.
Commuter meal plans
- UB On the Go 40 - 40 meals and $100 flex points per semester.
- UB On the Go 20 - 20 meals and $75 flex points per semester.
Dining locations
Cafe Scribe - Located on the 1st floor of Wahlstrom Library, The Scribe offers a variety of prepared sandwiches, coffee, tea, soft drinks, juices, and light food choices. Students can purchase items at The Scribe with flex dollars, cash, or credit cards.
Grab N’ Go - Opened in spring 2023, students can use cash or credit cards to purchase items. This is located in the main lobby of the UB Health Science Center. Items to purchase range from Starbucks coffee to sandwiches.
Marina Dining Hall - As the main dining facility on campus, Marina Dining Hall is open daily and serves three meals per day Monday-Friday and two meals on Saturday and Sunday. Meals at Marina Dining Hall are included as part of your meal plan. Students may “pay” for guests by using their Dining Dollars.
Subway - Located on the ground floor of the John Cox Student Center. Items can be purchased at this location using dining dollars, flex dollars, cash, or credit cards.
The process of a double-as-a-single conversion means that you choose to purchase the entire double room as a single. If you have decided to purchase the room an email must be sent to xyuy58uj9eplud03bqqe7wmbro.fbwiirtwnaiuirbzorzogghwbrpwhjzotdezt4buagajef6ddnnveiozsugrg5aglab3w6ye2@6cc4hhewx3yxfrz2kuxiv9de5lebi83ks1a2bxeedm5hqr stating that you have communicated with Student Financial Services as well as family and are aware of the charge and would like to proceed with the purchase.
If you do not wish to convert your room into a double-as-a-single, you must contact Housing at 1hcoequbcy26cdcwg2jne62t2ij.qn4rhgttdph3kr7f5fhgoe0i8rpp7qenvge2u7uwgonfn9fdcwtiwii9wersrhnb3iabsacng@ynx3jgen0b4yhf0257l4ioib72glhha0sdsdayufceie456br. By not converting, you understand the following applies to you and your room:
- You must only use your half of the room and keep it in a state allowing for easy access by potential new roommate.
- Be aware that you will receive a roommate at any time, or you will be relocated to a room with a roommate.
- If you are found to have the other side in use you will be subject to a fine of $200 per day that the room is kept in an unacceptable condition.
In addition, when you choose to not purchase a double as a single, the following steps will be enforced:
- Your room will be randomly checked by the RA staff to confirm that you are in fact only using half of the room.
- If you are found in violation and are utilizing both sides of the room, the first and second time you will be fined $200 and you will be left a notice that you have 24 hours to resolve the issue.
- If you are found in violation a third time, you will be left a notice that Res. Life will automatically be converting your room to a Double as a Single and your account will be adjusted with the new amount of $10,635 for the remainder of the semester.
University of Bridgeport has established an Emergency Broadcast System through LiveSafe. LiveSafe is an app which can be downloaded via Apple Store or Google Play. This app is required for all students to download and register. LiveSafe will allow University of Bridgeport to transmit messages to users, informing them of an event that may have a direct impact on health or safety.
LiveSafe is the personal UB Security and information phone application for all students, faculty, and staff. LiveSafe allows the user to send tips and messages to Campus Security, share location with friends or family, locate buildings on campus, and access emergency services and preparedness information. The information is easy to obtain directly from your hand-held device by scrolling through the information tab provided and opening the tab to reach Campus Security while on campus or 911/police when off-campus. Other information available is the SafeWalk feature where the user can allow a family member or friend to follow them on the application to ensure the safe arrival to the destination of choice. If looking for a specific building on campus, the LiveSafe application can give walking or driving directions from the user’s current location to the University destination address of choice.
University Hall is equipped with passenger elevators for regular use by residents. Barnum, Chaffee, and Seeley are equipped with small freight elevators. Access to these is limited to hall openings and closings. Students who have a short-term or long-term medical necessity are required to submit a request to the Student Accessibility Office. Housing relocation can be an option for a student during any time of the year or it may be a requirement to relocate. A student observed operating the freight elevator in an improper manner causing it to become defective, can be billed the cost of repairs up to $1,500.
Students living in the residence halls must meet the following requirements:
- Must be a full-time on-campus, matriculated undergraduate or graduate student at University of Bridgeport. Full-time status is defined as being registered for 12 or more credits as an undergraduate and 9 or more credits as a graduate student. Current residence hall students must be registered at least one month prior to the start of the semester.
- If a student is not registered for the adjacent term, they must remove all belongings from the residence hall at the end of the term and their housing assignment will be removed for the upcoming term.
- Residents must pay all charges owed to the University by their respective due dates. Outstanding tuition bills and/or housing deposits, housing charges, and damage bills not paid on time may result in a student being delayed moving into their housing assignment.
- Must be 100% compliant with Health Services regarding all immunizations required to attend the University and live within the residence halls. Pursuant to Connecticut State General Statute 10a-155b, all students residing in a college residence hall MUST be vaccinated for meningitis. Please contact Health Services regarding all other vaccinations required to attend the University.
- The University reserves the right to remove students from the residence halls and/or University community if s/he repeatedly violates the rules of the University, the Code of Community Standards and/or the rules of the Office of Housing and Residential Life.
Should a student withdraw from the University or if s/he obtains permission to move off campus, the student must remove all belongings from, and officially vacate, the residence hall within 24 hours after withdrawal. Failure to do so will result in fines and/or the disposal of all items left within the residence hall at the expense of the student.
A. Fire alarms
When a fire alarm sounds in a residence hall or house, all residents must evacuate the building(s) immediately and completely. Evacuation is expected every time the fire alarm sounds. Failure to evacuate the building promptly (by the time Residential Life Staff and Security conduct room searches) during a fire alarm will result in a $50 fine and disciplinary action. Please wait for Campus Security to give the OKAY before reentering the building. In cases where it is determined that a false fire alarm has been triggered, each resident of that hall or house will be billed $25 each time the intentional false fire alarm is caused unless Residential Life or Security staff is able to identify the individual perpetrator(s).
B. Fire alarm evacuation procedures
Your cooperation in the following procedures may be important in saving your life and the lives of other residents of the community if a fire or similar disaster should occur. It is the responsibility of every resident to be familiar with these procedures and standards and to observe them fully.
- When the alarm sounds, leave immediately.
- If you are in a burning building:
- Call x4911 to report an emergency from a campus phone, or call (203) 576- 4911 on a cell phone to report your location and the nature of the emergency.
- Stay calm and report the emergency accurately.
- If there is smoke in the room, keep low to the floor.
- If possible, put a wet towel over your mouth and nose.
- Before opening any doors, feel the metal doorknob. If it is hot, do not open the door. Attempt to exit through a window if it is low enough to the ground.
- If exit out the window is impossible, wave something out of the window, such as a pillowcase or shirt, to attract the attention of the Fire Department.
- Open the window from the top, if possible, (to let out the smoke and the heat) and from the bottom (to let in fresh air).
- If you CAN open the door, brace yourself against the door and open it slowly to make sure there is no heat or heavy smoke on the other side. If there is, then close the door again.
- If you are able to leave the room through the door, close it as you exit.
- Go to the nearest exit or stairs. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS.
- If it has not already been activated, activate the fire alarm system by pulling on the bar marked “PULL” or following the directions as stated on the alarm station.
- If the nearest exit is blocked by fire, heat, or smoke, go to an alternate exit.
- If all exits on the floor are blocked, go back to the room, close the door, open the window as described, wave something out the window, and shout for help.
- After evacuating the building, stand clear of it by crossing the street or evacuating to a SAFE ZONE. Allow the fire-fighters and fire-fighting equipment to maneuver around the building, as necessary.
C. Safety standards
- Always close and lock the door to the room when going to bed.
- Make a habit of keeping a towel and slip-on shoes near the door.
- Only UL approved power strips with surge protectors (internal breaker or GFI) are permitted for use within all the residential housing locations. All other types of extension cords are prohibited. Do not string wires or extension cords under rugs, over hooks, or in any place where these may be subject to wear or mechanical damage. All electrical cords should be checked periodically for wear or damage. Use only authorized appliances and only those that are Underwriter Laboratories (UL) listed.
- Due to fire safety concerns, candles and incense are not allowed within the residence halls.
- To ensure that students and guests have clear access throughout all residential locations in an emergency, no items may be stored in the hallway including, but not limited to, clothing, boxes, books, shoes, etc.
- Fire doors in halls and stairwells must be kept closed at all times; do not prop open doors.
- Know the location of all fire exits, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers before you need to use them. Make it a practice to know the emergency exit or pathway from any room you are in and count how many steps it would take to get from your room to a hall door if you were blinded by smoke.
- If you wake up at night and smell smoke, do not open your door until you feel it with the back of your hand. If it is hot, leave it closed. Use your cell phone to call for help or go to the window and call for help unless you can get through other rooms that do not lead into the corridor. DO NOT JUMP!
- Do not take any chances with fire. Even a small one can get out of control within seconds. In case of a fire, the alarm should be activated, the building evacuated, and Campus Security called.
- If you are in a room where a fire starts, leave quickly. Close the door to confine the blaze to that one room as long as possible and do not lock the door.
D. Misuse of fire safety equipment
If a fire alarm system is intentionally activated as a false alarm or if a fire is set in a residence hall or house, violators will be subject to severe disciplinary action including arrest, suspension, expulsion, and damage billing. A person identified as responsible for the removal or misuse of fire extinguishers, standpipe hoses, valves, horns, emergency exit signs, glass coverings, tampering/covering of smoke detectors, covering/blocking door entrances, etc., will be subject to severe disciplinary action including arrest, expulsion, and damage billing. Persons having information relating to the setting of fires or false alarms are expected in all cases to notify a University staff member. Any person who knowingly withholds information from University staff that relates to setting fires or false alarms will be subject to disciplinary action and fines.
E. University reward for the identification of a person making a false fire alarm
The University will credit $1,000 to the account of any student who gives information regarding anyone creating a false fire alarm, providing that information leads to the identification, arrest, and conviction of the person(s) responsible. This may require testifying in a court of law.
F. University reward for the identification of a person making a bomb threat
The University will award a full semester’s tuition for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of any student or students making bomb threats.
Throughout the semester, Residential Life Staff will hold floor/hall meetings. These meetings are mandatory for all residential students to attend as they include a variety of important topics related to living in our residential housing locations. Students are held accountable for the information discussed; therefore, they must communicate attendance to their RA. Failure to attend without advance communication may result in disciplinary action in addition to RA and/or RD follow-up.
To maintain a healthy environment within the residence halls, students are strongly encouraged to make good decisions regarding the storage of food in their rooms. Open food, regardless of whether it is perishable or non-perishable, must be stored in a sealed container. When prepping perishable foods, it must be seasoned, cut, and further prepared in the community kitchen. Food and beverages should be stored in micro-fridges or in sealable containers within the room.
- A visitor is a University of Bridgeport student who lives in a UB residential building other than the one being visited.
- A guest is a person who is affiliated or non-affiliated with University of Bridgeport, living off campus.
- An overnight guest is any off-campus guest (either a UB student who lives off-campus or a person who is not a UB student) who will be remaining in the hall after midnight.
- A host is considered as an on-campus resident.
General procedures:
Upon entering the hall, a visitor/guest/overnight guest must:
- Have a valid picture ID.
- Any visitor/guest/overnight guest without a valid photo ID will not be allowed to enter the residence hall. The only forms of valid ID accepted from a visitor/guest/overnight guest while visiting our residence halls are listed below:
- For guests/overnights only:
- A current state issued driver’s license or identification card including a photo, or
- A current military ID.
- For international students only:
- Present either country ID or passport which includes a photo and date of birth.
- Provide your college ID card to stay with staff at the desk during the duration of your visit.
- For residential students only:
- A current, valid University of Bridgeport ID must have a security sticker for the current term.
- Guests and visitors must have their profiles created at the front desk at the time of their first visit into our residence halls. Guests and visitors must check in at the front desk every time they visit a residence hall.
- Overnight guests who plan to come into our residence halls must have a profile created by their host using the online system for the first initial visitation 72 hours before the date of visit. This registration occurs only once.
- Each host is permitted to sign-in no more than two (2) guests/visitors at any one time.
- Each host may have only one (1) overnight guest at a time. In addition to any authorized overnight guest, a host can also have one (1) guest/visitor visit at any time.
- A host is responsible for the escort and conduct of a visitor/guest/overnight guest during the entire visit and any situations or damage they may cause.
- Before inviting any visitor/guest/overnight guest to your room, be considerate of your roommate and discuss it with them. For overnight guests, if any roommate does not consent, you cannot have a guest stay in your room. The roommate that doesn’t consent must communicate to the Residential Life staff.
- All double occupancy rooms are strongly encouraged to complete a roommate agreement form at the start of the semester. All first-year students are required to complete a roommate agreement.
- The minimum age to visit the residence hall is 18 years old unless prior approval is received for Athletic recruitment or University special events by the Director of Housing and Residential Life or designee. Visitor procedures:
- The host must sign a visitor in and out of the residence hall in person at the front desk every time they enter and leave the residence hall.
- The host must always escort their guest throughout the building.
- The status of all visitors living on campus will be verified prior to being admitted into the residence hall as a visitor.
- Visitors from other halls have no hourly restriction on when to visit.
- Visitors from other halls are not required to officially sign in as an overnight guest; however, they are allowed to stay overnight as a visitor. This should not exceed more than two (2) days in a week. A week is defined as Sunday-Saturday.
Guest procedures:
- A guest must be signed into the residence hall, using one of the valid forms of ID listed above, at the front desk every time they enter and leave the building.
- A host who wishes to have a guest stay past midnight (12:00 a.m.) needs to submit an Overnight Guest Request form through the housing portal. Refer to Overnight Guest Procedures for directions.
- If a guest unexpectedly will not be leaving before midnight, the host must register them using the online system before midnight AND then request to speak with RA on Duty or Pro Staff on Duty to explain the change in plans.
- Violating these policies will subject the host to loss of guest privileges and student disciplinary action.
Overnight guest procedures:
- A host may have no more than one (1) overnight guest at a time. A host can have an overnight guest any day of the week.
- An overnight stay is from 10:00 a.m. on any given day and ends at 12 p.m. the next day. The arrival or departure time of an overnight can be adjusted to any time within this timeframe. After 12 p.m. the next day, the overnight must check in as a guest at the front desk.
- An overnight guest may only stay up to two (2) times per week in the residence halls. The week is defined as Sunday-Saturday. Specifically, this means that within any seven-day period, an overnight guest may only stay for two nights within the residence hall system as anyone’s overnight guest.
- If the overnight guest is staying more than one night in the week, the host must include a separate request for each night of their stay in the housing portal.
- If the overnight stay is consecutive, the host and overnight guest must checkout at the front desk at the end of their first reservation and then re-check in for their next reservation.
- If a student is expecting an overnight guest for more than a two-day period, they must obtain special permission in advance from their roommate and the building’s RD or the DHRL. The overnight guest must not stay the additional day(s) until approval is received from the Pro Staff of that building and the DHRL before spending another night in any residence hall on campus.
- If an overnight guest stays more than two nights in a seven-day period (Sunday-Saturday) without permission, the host will be billed $32 per night and will face student disciplinary action. Repeat offense(s) may result in arrest for trespassing and the student’s guest privileges will be revoked for the remainder of the school year.
- The University, at its discretion, reserves the right to limit the number of overnight guests in any residence hall or on campus. Residential Life professional staff and Campus Security supervisors reserve the right to deny any individual access to the residence hall, revoke previously approved access, and/or modify our guest policy due to public safety or public health visitors, guests, and overnight guests.
- During 24-hour Quiet Hours periods at the end of each semester, overnight guest privileges are suspended to promote an environment focused on maximizing residents’ academic success.
- Other limitations on overnight guest policies may be put in place at specific times such as breaks, grad week, commencement, any disciplinary action assigned, and emergencies; or to respond to issues within the section, hall, or campus. The University will make every attempt to notify residents of such policy adjustments in a timely manner.
Health and safety
Residential Life staff conduct regular health and safety inspections of all residence hall rooms. These inspections will occur once a month. At the start of each semester, all locations receive a notification of what health and safety inspections are like. This notice is the announcement that undergraduate students receive in the residence halls. Apartments, Houses, and Barnum will receive announcements prior to inspections, monthly. These inspections permit Residential Life staff to verify the status of maintenance requests, inspect rooms for health/safety concerns, and interact with residential students who are present at the time, though it is not required that students be present during them. Residents are expected to work to keep the residence hall environment clean and safe from hazards. Excessive garbage, prohibited items, unclean rooms, and any behaviors which contribute to an unhealthy living environment are not allowed. Failed health and safety inspections require staff to re-inspect within 24 hours of notice. More than two failures can result in a fine and further disciplinary action. This applies to non-traditional/graduate housing as well.
Life safety
Residential Life staff and outside contractors conduct regular life safety inspections of all residential spaces. Outside contractors’ complete inspections twice a year and Residential Life staff complete inspections once a month. These inspections will be announced. These inspections permit Residential Life staff to verify the status of all life safety equipment such as exit signs, emergency exit maps, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, etc. Residents are expected to report if any of this equipment is damaged, not working properly or missing. Failed life safety inspections require work orders to be submitted and therefore follow-up will be done by our Facilities team to correct the situation. This applies to non-traditional/graduate housing as well.
As an incoming new undergraduate/graduate student, a one-time housing deposit is required to apply for housing and reserve a room in our residential locations. This housing deposit is credited to a student’s account within the first six weeks from the start of the semester. Returning students do not have to pay a housing deposit. After participating in room selection or announcement of tentative housing assignments, students will have until July 15 to cancel housing and receive credit to their student university account. Requests must be sent via email. If students decide to withdraw from the institution, housing deposits are not refundable.
Students residing in non-traditional/graduate housing are required to pay a non-refundable maintenance fee of $125 (one-time payment) at the time of assignment. In addition, students must pay one month’s rent as a security deposit. The security deposit is credited to the student, minus any deduction for damages to their housing assignment upon graduation or departure from living on campus. The expected timeline is typically within 30 days of the expiration of their final housing license.
Disputing housing fees
Students have 60 days to dispute any housing fees or charges that have been incurred from the day that the bill is placed onto the account. Fees related to community or room, apartment, or house damage billing must be directed to the Resident Director who placed the bill on your account. Fees related to assignments, deposits, and other fees must be directed to the Office of Housing and Residential Life. These disputes must be done in writing to ibzvp2ubt90gldi3csf9euanae.3gnpnht5hsavarq6z0doi5u83cpz8pjore7t3rzfgw3vl9dw517dti6onv9cr03r7l9be2ets8@lggnnevuo8g9fatzckgi71kl04lqlfjygsqknz7iepig8jer
All students, faculty, and staff of University of Bridgeport are issued official UB ID cards and are expected to carry this card at all times while on University grounds and provide it to University staff/campus security upon request (as stated on the back of each ID card). Furthermore, the UB ID card provides access to campus buildings and must be presented by all students, when entering a residence hall, even if s/he lives there. Residential student IDs are only valid if they have a valid security sticker for the present term. No person may falsify, alter, or duplicate his/her ID card, nor may someone use another individual’s ID card to gain access to the residence hall, university buildings/offices or to utilize dining options on campus. These actions may result in disciplinary action and/or a fine.
Due to concerns regarding potential damage or injury, indoor sports are not allowed. “Indoor sports” are defined as, but are not limited to, using balls, bats, frisbees, skateboards, rackets, lacrosse sticks, or other objects in the halls. Additionally, racing, wrestling, play-fighting, or other sport-like behaviors are not allowed in any residential location.
Since the residential locations are a community with several hundred people living together in one space, it is important that all residents are aware of their personal behavior, how it affects others, and that they conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner. Any inappropriate and/or disruptive behavior, which is deemed to negatively affect the hall or campus community, will be addressed through the Student Conduct Process, and may result in sanctions up to and including removal from the residence halls or University.
All residential locations are equipped with the ability to connect to the internet through a standard ethernet cord which students must provide. Wireless access is also provided within residential locations. All residents and guests who access the campus computer network must abide by the Computer Network: Acceptable Use Guidelines stated in Chapter 6: Policies of University of Bridgeport in the Key to UB: Student Handbook. University Place Apartments are responsible for obtaining their own internet service provider.
Students are issued a UB identification card that also acts as a meal and access card for those living on campus. Residents who lose their proximity/UB ID card may be issued another for a fee and must contact Campus Security immediately to get a new card. Occasionally, a student may need to be let into their room. If so, the student should contact a Residential Life staff member to gain assistance. Residential Life staff can open residents’ room doors, but only for an occupant of that room with proof of identity. After two lockouts, students will be billed $15 for each additional time they need to be let into their room.
The Office of Housing and Residential Life wants to make sure that you always have access to your room. If your key is lost, stolen, broken, or you are locked out of your room, we have worked to make it quick and easy for you to regain room access. The following are the procedures to get help:
For lock outs:
For broken, lost, or stolen keys:
- This form allows you to “borrow” a key for a maximum of 5 days. If by 5 p.m. on the 5th business day the borrowed key has not been returned, a Replacement Key charge will be added to the student’s account.
- The replacement key fee is $75 per key and a lock change fee is $100 per key.
Each residential location has a full kitchen or kitchenette style area for use by residents. Residents are responsible for cleaning up after using the kitchen including wiping down counters, washing and removing utensils, dishes, and pots/pans. All unclean items left in the kitchens for more than 72 hours will be disposed of by University staff. Limited kitchen equipment provided by Res. Life can be signed out at the front desk of any residence hall. Housing and Residential Life kitchen supplies must be used in the community kitchen in the residence hall.
Each residential location offers laundry machines for use by students free of charge. Washers and dryers are in one designated laundry room of the residential locations and are accessible 24/7 by students. While there is no charge for use of the machines, we ask students to use them responsibly and not waste water or electricity by washing laundry excessively. It is also vital that no dishes, pots, and pans are placed in a washer or dryer. Sneakers must be in a delicate mesh laundry bag. Students can access, in real time, an online system showing washer/dryer usage in the residence halls.
In addition, students are encouraged to download the laundry machine app called CSC Service Works Service App to submit work orders. This enables students to quickly scan the barcode on the laundry machine and enter the description of the issue. Within 24 hours, a representative will respond to the work order which will assist the community in paying attention to those issues quickly.
Please notify Res. Life staff of any problems. The housekeeping staff assigned to each building are responsible for cleaning bathrooms and public areas only. The following is a sample list of maintenance and repairs that should be reported to Res. Life staff immediately:
- Plumbing repairs: Clogged drains, toilets, repairs to toilet stalls, and repairs to toilet seats.
- Electrical repairs: Changing lights (incandescent bulbs and fluorescent types), replacement of switch and outlet plates, and changing of plastic fixtures and globes, etc.
- Carpentry repairs: Cabinets, desks, drawers, blinds, or shades, hung and fixed ceiling tiles, windows, and glass and screens, etc.
Residents may submit non-emergency maintenance requests at any time by completing an online work order through the housing portal. Please note, any issue that you are aware of should always be reported to a RA or Resident Director, do not assume that someone else has already reported it. Emergency work orders such as water overflowing or biohazards must be notified to the front desk as soon as possible. Work orders usually take about 3-7 business days to complete. If a work order has not been completed within seven business days, please notify the front desk of your building.
Certain students eligible and non-traditional/graduate students may reside off campus (refer to residency requirements). The University does not arrange for off-campus housing. Undergraduate students who are eligible for off campus living who have resided on-campus, must complete appropriate Move-Off Request before doing so.
Students may choose to bring their vehicle to campus and park for no additional charge. Any student who lives in a hall, house, or apartment with a vehicle on campus, must officially register it with Campus Security so they may contact the student if needed (e.g., student left car lights on). To register any vehicle on campus, the student must show a valid vehicle registration, valid insurance card, and a UB ID. Since University of Bridgeport’s campus includes streets controlled by the City of Bridgeport, students with vehicles understand that they may need to move their vehicles at certain times as required by the City of Bridgeport due to inclement weather or other needs.
The University does not assume responsibility for personal property loss due to theft, damage, floods, or any other cause. Any loss should be reported immediately to Campus Security at 203-576-4913. All residents are encouraged to obtain homeowners or renter’s insurance before residing on campus. If a student leaves items behind, after officially checking out of their housing assignment, or if s/he does not properly check out of their residential location and leaves behind items, the items will be considered abandoned and disposed of by University staff. Students will be subject to an improper checkout fee of $200 and any additional costs associated with the disposal of items. Residential Life does not store items for students at any point in time, including student staff. Students will be sent an official notification regarding disposal of items to their UB email and given seven days to respond and collect items.
A licensed pest control company provides preventive treatments and extermination services on campus. Should students have a pest control related concern, they should contact their residence hall staff and submit a work order. Residents requesting services will be responsible for preparing the room properly based on the pest control company’s recommendations. Rooms not properly prepared may not be treated. Residents are required to comply with all steps of the pest control process. Students cannot refuse inspections or treatments of any reports even if unknown to them. Students can incur fees for unprepared rooms, and refusal of treatment.
The only pets allowed in the residence halls are fish, sea snails, axolotls, African dwarf frogs, and sea hermit crabs maintained in aquariums no larger than 10 gallons in size since they are unable to survive outside of water. This policy does not apply to students with a Service Animal under the Americans with Disabilities Act or an approved Emotional Support Animal. Please see Service Animal and Assistance Animal Policy in Chapter 6 for more information. Residents bringing other animals into the residence halls will be subject to adjudication under the Student Conduct Process.
Some important information to also consider about pets:
- Damage caused by the pet must be treated like any other student damage. You will be charged if damages occur.
- Generally, animals that are commonly kept in households are approved. Typically, non-approved (or approved with a high burden of proof for why they are necessary to address disability) - reptiles (other than turtles), barnyard animals, monkeys, kangaroos, and any other non-domesticated animals.
- A good faith dialogue/ interactive conversation will be required between yourself and your roommate about caring for the pet.
Housing and Residential Life staff regularly provide educational and culturally focused programs, as well as social events to promote community and connections within the residence halls. It is highly recommended to students that they participate in these events to meet their peers, network, and grow on the personal level as a member of the campus community. Students are encouraged to inform their residence hall staff of ideas for programs and events so staff efforts can be best utilized in the residence halls. Throughout the year, Housing and Residential Life staff provide a series of large-scale programs including a variety of programming focused on important topics. One of these events includes the Hall Olympics competition which gives each residence hall the ability to take part in a friendly competition consisting of several athletic events and non-athletic events.
The following are considered safety violations and are not allowed within all residential locations. Some exceptions are outlined for non-traditional housing locations. This list should not be considered a comprehensive list and the Office of Housing and Residential Life reserves the right to alter/change the status of any item as prohibited/allowed within the residential locations. After the second offense a $50 fine will be imposed on room occupants for these violations. Residential Life staff may also immediately confiscate the objects listed below. The following are not allowed in the undergraduate residence halls and graduate housing locations at any time.
- Animals, other than approved aquatic species, approved service animals, and approved emotional support animals
- Air conditioners (except University Place Apartments, and houses)
- Bulk furniture (except University Place Apartments upon request)
- Christmas or string lights not “Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL)” listed
- Christmas trees larger than three feet in height (allowed in housing lobbies)
- Cinder blocks
- Cloth, paper, or wood draped under or covering the ceilings, ceiling lights, radiators, or electrical outlets
- Cloth and/or paper that covers or surrounds outlets or electrical appliances
- Cooking units or hot plates with exposed heating elements
- Coffee maker without auto-shut off
- Electrical appliances with frayed or damaged cords, including plug in pot
- Electric blankets
- Electronic cigarettes (e.g. Juuls, vape pens)
- Extension cords (without integrated UL approved surge protectors)
- Extra microwaves (except University Place Apartments, and houses)
- Extra refrigerators (except University Place Apartments, and houses)
- Flammable decorations. Hanging wall and ceiling products, such as tapestries, posters, and flags, may not cover more than 50% of any one wall space to prevent any item from igniting and spreading a fire faster
- Halogen/floor torchiere lights
- Hoverboards
- Immersion coils of any type
- Lit and unlit candles and incense
- Octopus-like electrical cord arrangements
- Oversized electrical scooters (see transportation equipment for further details)
- Pressure cookers, air fryer, rice cookers, toaster ovens, and deep fryers (allowed in graduate housing kitchens and University Hall suites)
- Space heaters of any type
- Wireless routers
Repeated failure to comply will result in disciplinary action in addition to fines. Unapproved or unacceptable materials may be confiscated, stored, and returned at the end of the semester to ensure the item is no longer in the building. Confiscated items not retrieved by the last day of finals will be disposed of, recycled, or donated within 7 days. Small electrical appliances that generate heat such as hair dryers, curling irons, clothes irons, and the like are permitted if equipped with auto shutoff. Students shall properly maintain and use equipment and may not leave items unattended while powered on. Students need to examine their own appliances periodically for faulty wiring. If you are unsure if a specific appliance is permitted, ask your Res. Life staff before bringing it into your room. Not knowing an item is prohibited will not be accepted as an excuse for having a prohibited item in your room.
24-hour courtesy hours are in effect all the time, seven days a week. Courtesy hours require that noise and activity be maintained at a level that does not disturb other residents. As a rule, if a resident’s door and window are closed, other residents should not be able to hear the noise, music, etc., from outside that room.
Quiet hours are not negotiable. Quiet hours are 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and midnight to 10:00 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Noise that can be heard outside of a room at a level that disturbs residents is not permissible. Residential Life staff may enter a room that is the source of a present noise disturbance if the occupant of that room fails to open the door. The sole purpose of this entry is to stop the noise, but any other violations witnessed in plain sight during this entry will be addressed as appropriate. Residents may have to remove sound systems or television sets if they continue to be the source of disruptive noise.
During such periods as mid-terms and final exams, 24-hour quiet hours will be enforced from the end of classes until the end of finals. A zero-tolerance policy will be enforced throughout the residence halls. Students violating this policy will be immediately fined $25 and face disciplinary sanctions. Repeat offenders may be progressively fined larger amounts or be separated from housing until after the semester concludes.
Containers are located throughout each of the residence halls and allow for “single-stream processing” which means you can dispose of glass, plastic, cardboard, and mixed paper all in one location. Help UB help the planet and recycle. Plus, don’t forget to turn off the lights and electrical devices when you head out of your room.
Students should dispose of their trash directly in the dumpsters located outside each of their residential buildings.
Please obtain the guidelines for using a Residence Hall community space from a professional Residential Life staff member before planning an event.
No signage may be hung within the residence halls without express approval from Housing and Residential Life. All signage, for approved events, must be delivered to the Office of Housing and Residential Life for processing. It will then be hung by the Residential Life staff.
To utilize a Residence Hall community space, you will need to request use of the room at least seven business days prior to the event that you are planning. Requests can be sent to respective halls to request the space. These locations which are available for use include: Activity Room (University Hall), Conference Room (University Hall), Study Room (University Hall), Compass Room (Barnum Hall), 1st Floor Lounge (Chaffee Hall), and Game Room (Barnum/Seeley Hall).
No reduction in charges is made for temporary absence from the residence halls nor is any refund made if a student is suspended, dismissed, or leaves the residence hall for any reason during the academic year, September to May, or the summer session, May to August. Students living in the residence halls who withdraw from the University will be refunded housing fees based on the following schedule. Residential Life staff will use the official withdrawal and/or check-out date to determine the refund the student is entitled to receive:
- Prior to the 1st day of classes: 100% refund
- Prior to the end of the 1st week: 80% refund
- Prior to the end of the 2nd week: 60% refund
- Prior to the end of the 3rd week: 40% refund
- Prior to the end of the 4th week: 20% refund
- After the start of the 5th week: No Refund
Optional meal plan requests for students living in non-traditional or graduate housing locations follow the same refund policy listed above.
See housing disputes for further information.
All exterior doors are locked 24/7. Students have access to their residence hall with their UB ID card and must show them upon entering the residence hall for verification to the front desk staff. Each front desk is staffed 24/7 with specially trained staff members who coordinate the guest visitation process and respond to student concerns. Residents must always escort their guests within the residence hall and properly sign them in/out through the guest visitation process. At no time should students/guests open an exterior emergency exit to let someone into the residence hall.
Each of the residence halls are equipped with closed circuit cameras in public areas of the residence halls and the surrounding grounds. Additionally, knowing that fire safety is an important concern, all residence halls are equipped with smoke detectors with voice evacuation systems. All kitchens are equipped with fire extinguishers.
Of course, no matter how secure we strive to make the residence halls, the best thing you, as a resident, can do to help is be aware, proactive, and responsible regarding your own safety and the safety of all those in your residence hall. Never let anyone borrow your ID card or room key. Never let someone you do not know into the residence hall. Never sign in someone you do not know. Always let a staff member know when something is wrong or concerning. Always say something if you see something wrong.
All full-time undergraduate students are required to live on campus unless they meet one of the following qualifications:
- They are living at a residence within a 30-mile driving distance from the University with a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, U.S. court-appointed legal guardian, sister, and/or brother over the age of 21,
- They have completed more than 90 credits of academic work,
- They are married and provide a copy of the marriage license, or
- They are over the age of 21 as of the first day of classes. Students turning 21 after the first day of classes and who wish to move out may do so at the end of that semester only.
Plans for off-campus release by any student in any of the above categories must be approved by the Director of Housing and Residential Life prior to the first day of classes. Residents moving off campus permanently, if not transferring, graduating, or asked to leave, must request to move off campus via the housing portal. Students requesting to live off-campus with a qualifying relative, under option #1, must provide proof of relationship (copies of birth certificates) and a letter explaining, in detail, their request, with whom they will live, where they will live and the relationship between all parties. These documents must be submitted with your request in the housing portal. Permission from the Office of Housing and Residential Life must be granted before moving off campus. Failure to do so will result in charges for the full housing cost contracted. Housing contracts are for at least one semester. Please refer to the Residence Hall Refund Policy as stated in the Key to UB.
Part-time students or students who are below the 2.0 cumulative GPA may live in a residence hall during any term if they request in writing and provide details for the request (for example: going on a co-op or falling below a 2.0 cumulative GPA). The request is not valid until the Director of Housing and Residential Life or designee has granted approval to enter or remain in the Residence Halls.
Adjusting to a new person in your life takes time, communication, and compromise. Students desiring a roommate change must wait until the beginning of the second week of classes. This is also the grace period students have to arrive on campus to retain their room assignment. If a student feels their roommate situation is not conducive to their academic or personal success, they should do the following:
- See the RA on your floor or on duty to discuss your concerns regarding your roommate.
- If not already done, residents will be asked to complete a “Roommate Agreement” to work toward resolving their differences.
- If both residents are not in accord with the Roommate Agreement, a mediation will be done with the RA. To have a mediation, a roommate agreement must be completed.
- After the mediation, if a room change is still desirable, students can seek out their RD to seek the next steps in the process.
Room change procedures
- Your room change is not officially approved until you have received an email from Housing or your RD which will include the next steps as listed below. Failure to follow the room change process may result in disciplinary action.
- Please note that room change requests may not be accepted during times where room spaces are not available.
Students may not change rooms except when approved by the RD of their building and only after all the proper requests have been completed. Keep in mind that housing charges are prorated to the new housing cost once keys are issued to your new room.
Steps on how to change rooms - A student must meet and speak with a Res. Life staff member to discuss the reason(s) for a room change. Once approved, follow the steps below.
- Students will pick up their new keys from the RA on duty between the hours of 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. or the Office of Housing and Residential Life between the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Moving belongings on any given night should conclude by 10:30 p.m.
- After the student has moved all their belongings into the new room, they must contact the RA on duty to return the old room key and complete the check-out form within 24 hours. Residents may not have keys to two rooms for more than 24 hours. Students who do not return keys or have not completed a check-out form will be fined for improper check-out, may be forced to move back to their former room, and may be referred to their RD or documented for disciplinary action.
- Any damage or repairs noted on the room check-out form will be reported on a maintenance form and the student responsible will be billed.
Students who decide to keep their room as a double-as-a-double with no roommate understand that they may be requested to consolidate within the first 2-3-weeks of the semester and move into a new housing assignment.
The right to inspect rooms is retained by the University. Rooms may be searched without notice to the student if the University reasonably believes that there is the presence of property or activity in the room that violates any University policy or criminal law or constitutes an immediate hazard to the safety, health, or welfare of any occupant of the residential locations. Upon reasonable notice, or without notice at the University’s sole discretion, rooms may be entered by University personnel for extermination, maintenance, repair, and/or to turn off loud noise.
Residential Life staff members are obligated to report evidence of policy violations based on a “plain view” doctrine. This means that if hall staff discovers any violations of University/Hall policies, state law, and/or federal law while executing official routine business, the Pro Staff on Duty must be contacted immediately, and a report filed. This includes the confiscation of illegal property (weapons, candles, drug paraphernalia, etc.) that may be used as evidence. For confiscation, hall staff must comply with this policy. Evidence will be turned over to Campus Security or Housing and Residential Life staff for documentation until disposition of the incident. In some cases, the police will be called. Items collected by Housing and Residential Life staff can be processed as a prohibited item. Items confiscated by security will not be stored nor returned to owner. In cases when there is probable cause, except for maintenance and noise elimination situations, the Dean of Students, DHRL, or designee must grant verbal and/or written approval prior to inspecting a student’s room. In addition, to preserve a safe and pleasant living community and to ensure that rooms are being taken care of, Residence Life staff conduct Health and Safety inspections.
Damage free hanging Command™ strips are recommended for decorating your room. Decorations that stick to doors or walls permanently or require metal fasteners or anything that might leave permanent markings are not permitted. No holes may be drilled in any wall within the residence hall. Students may not paint residence hall rooms or any public space in the building. Students will be billed for any damage or repairs needed because of room and door decorations (door dec). Flammable decorations are not permitted. Posters must have at least four inches of space around their perimeters to prevent the spread of fire. All decorations must be completely removed when a student checks out or charges will be placed on the student’s account. All residents of each building will have a door dec on their door to indicate the name of the person(s) who reside in the room. At least one door dec per resident must always remain on the door. Doors may not be painted. Door numbers must be always visible. At no time can more than 50% of the exterior or 50% of the interior of any residence hall room door be covered with decorations or materials. This is to prevent the door from becoming engulfed in flames, which would prevent easy egress from the room. The interiors and exteriors of residential rooms must conform with all University policies including, but not limited to, the policies against sexual and other harassment, hazing, discrimination, and hate crimes.
Living with a new roommate is exciting and can help make your college experience amazing! One key to building a successful roommate relationship is communication. You may feel a little awkward talking with your new roommate for the first time — don’t worry, that’s natural. Stay positive and respectful of your roommate’s right to their opinions, expect some differences, and talk honestly so you can create an open line of communication between you. Now that you’ve started talking, it’s important to come to some agreements about life in the room. To guide you through this, get a roommate agreement form from your RA to complete with your roommate. Using this form is required for first-year students and highly encouraged for other residents. Thoughtful participation in this process will help both of you respect each other’s rights relative to topics like:
- When do you like to sleep? When do you like to study?
- How clean does the room need to be? How do we coordinate the cleaning?
- What concerns you about having a roommate? How can we work on that?
- What are your feelings about alcohol, tobacco or other drugs that are prohibited in the residence halls?
- What can we borrow from each other and what would you prefer be left alone?
- How will I know if I’ve done something to upset you?
- When can my friends call me?
- When can we have guests in our room?
Of course, there might be times when you will disagree with each other. It’s important that you speak honestly and respectfully to each other as you discuss these things. Remember, you are your roommate’s roommate too! Treat them as you would like to be treated and remember, your RA and other Residential Life staff are here to help as needed.
Each spring semester, current students living in all residential locations can participate in the Room Selection Process for the upcoming academic year. Room selection gives students the ability to select their room and roommate(s) for the upcoming year based on space availability and any requirements of specific residence halls/living communities. Students who do not complete their housing application on time may not participate in the room selection process and will be assigned to housing after the housing selection has occurred.
Important residence hall safety policies and procedures are listed below. The University reserves the right to change these policies and procedures as conditions warrant.
Hazardous property
The following hazardous items are prohibited in all residence halls, graduate housing locations, and anywhere on campus. Possession or use of such hazardous substances may result in disciplinary actions, fines, immediate confiscation, suspension, dismissal, and/or expulsion. Hazard items are not stored and will not be returned to owner. Any of the following hazardous properties found on campus will be confiscated and destroyed by university officials:
- Explosives of any kind: Gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, or other flammable liquids
- Fireworks, cherry, or stink bombs
- Guns, firearms, or replicas thereof, explosives, ammunition, and weapons of all types, including, but not limited to pellet guns, BB guns, paint ball guns, cross bows, bow and arrows, spear guns, hunting knives, fighting knives, butterfly knives, throwing knives, knives longer than four inches, slingshots, clubs, brass knuckles, ice picks, straight razors, stun guns, and tasers, etc.
- Incense
- Illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia
- Motorcycles, motor scooters, or other gas-powered motors
- Potentially hazardous quantities of biological or chemical agents
- Stolen property of any kind
- Weapons or any items which could be reasonably considered a weapon
Solicitation policy
Merchandise may be displayed in lobbies or presented to groups in lounges with permission from the Office of Housing and Residential Life. Door-to-door sales and/or canvassing are not permitted by a student, club, or organization. Student, non-student, or club sales and advertising must be cleared through the Office of Housing and Residential Life and must be in collaboration with Residence Hall Association. Residents may not use the residence halls, or any part thereof, to operate private enterprises. Personal/non-personal gain services cannot be conducted in any on-campus housing location. Anyone found violating these policies may be escorted out of the building by residential life staff and/or Campus Security. Outside violators may be banned from entering residence halls and University-owned facilities in the future, and/or arrested.
Surveys, polls, etc.
All surveys, polls, etc., by any University staff, faculty, group, or person must be approved by the Office of Housing and Residential Life before being used or distributed to residents. Surveys, polls, etc., will be evaluated for value, content, and appropriateness, etc.
Safety and security policies in all residential locations
The following actions are violations of the Code of Community Standards and are cause for disciplinary action and/or fines:
- Water fights in the residence halls.
- Frisbee or ball-playing in the halls.
- Propping doors.
- Throwing items off roofs or out of windows.
- No person or items entry through any resident or building window.
- Littering inside, outside, or throwing garbage out of windows.
- Not maintaining healthy living conditions.
- Moving off campus improperly (one semester’s housing cost).
- Switching rooms without authorization.
- Failure to check out properly or return keys.
- Living in the residence hall illegally over vacation periods: whole rate of stay will be charged.
- Inappropriate housing of guests.
- No room may be occupied by eight or more people at any one time (including guests and other residents of the building). University Hall Apartments maximum is no more than 16 people at any given time.
- Furniture may NOT be removed from any residence hall room except by residence hall staff. Removal of furniture from the building will be considered theft of university property.
- Furniture may not be removed from common areas and brought to student rooms.
- Misuse of University property.
- Not keeping kitchenettes, stoves, ovens, and/or microwaves clean. All kitchenettes and University-owned cooking appliances must be maintained and monitored by residents. Failure to maintain these may result in the area being shut down and the appliances being removed indefinitely.
- Affixing anything to a University housing structure with the intent of making it permanent without the express written consent of the Director of Housing and Residential Life or designee.
- Unauthorized painting or decorations.
- Fish, sea snails, African dwarf frogs, axolotls, and sea hermit crabs are the only pets allowed in the residence halls. Only fish tanks with a capacity of up to ten gallons of water are permitted. Fish tanks must be shut off during vacation periods unless the resident has paid to live in residence: $100 fine for possessing other animals that are not service animals or approved assistance animals.
- Ignoring Quiet Hours: Students are obliged to maintain an academically conducive atmosphere in the residence halls.
- Public Area Policy violation includes but is not limited to public urination, drug use, sexual relations.
- Continued violation of any residential location or University policy.
- Failure to present University ID. Students are required to carry their UB ID at all times and to provide it to University staff/campus security upon request.
- Interference with Residential Life and/or Campus Security staff while carrying out their responsibilities.
- Withholding information related to incidents that place residents’ safety at risk.
- Falsely reporting an emergency or policy violation.
- The use of skateboards, bicycles, unicycles, hands-free scooters (Segway style devices), roller-skates, inline skates, hover boards, etc. is strictly prohibited within the residence halls.
- Violation of any other act as found elsewhere in this handbook.
Smoking in all residence halls and cafeterias is against Connecticut state law. Smoking is also prohibited within 25 feet of the entrance to any campus building. Use of chewing tobacco is also prohibited on campus for anyone under 21 years of age. Students in violation of this policy and State law will be fined and face disciplinary action.
The University reserves the right to assign additional roommates or change room assignments if necessary. Students in less-than-fully-occupied double or triple rooms must keep the empty bed(s), desk(s), drawer(s), closet(s), etc., free, and available at all times throughout the year so that a new student may move in at any point during the year or semester break. This helps us to make all students feel welcome by keeping your room’s unoccupied space(s) available. Residential Life staff will make every attempt to communicate with students when a new roommate is assigned; however, this may not always be possible. Students who improperly take over the unoccupied portion of their room will face fines, housing relocation, and student disciplinary action. Refer to the Double-as-a-Single Conversion Process section for more details of potential consequences.
Revised 9/7/23