best major for pre-dental

What Are the Best Pre-Dental Majors?

In a particularly fast-growing industry, about 16,400 new dentistry jobs become available yearly, so starting pre-dental studies on the right foot is crucial for students aspiring to attend dental school. Although most dental schools do not require a specific major, certain degree plans can better prepare students for dental school than others.

At University of Bridgeport, several programs offer the knowledge and skills needed for pre-dental students. Below, we’ll explore the best majors for pre-dental students and highlight how UB’s programs can support your journey to dental school.

What is pre-dental?

You may be asking yourself, what is a pre-dental major anyway? Pre-dental refers to the preparatory phase in an undergraduate program where students complete the necessary prerequisites for dental school. This typically includes a series of science courses, such as biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics, essential for dental school admission. The undergraduate degree lays the groundwork for completing post-graduate dental school work.

Pre-dental studies do not necessarily constitute a specific major but rather a set of required courses that can be completed alongside any undergraduate major, some more suited to prepare students for dental school than others. The flexibility in choosing a major allows students to tailor their education to their interests while ensuring they meet the dental school requirements and follow their specific interests and academic goals.

Best majors for pre-dental students

Several majors are particularly beneficial for students planning to attend dental school. These majors provide a strong foundation in the sciences and other relevant areas, preparing students for the Dental Admission Test (DAT) and the demands of dental school.

Let’s dive into the top choices.

Bachelor’s in Biology

A Bachelor’s in Biology is among the most popular choices for pre-dental students. Biology programs go in-depth on subjects like anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and biochemistry, giving students a truly comprehensive understanding of the human body—essential for a successful career in dentistry.

At UB, we understand the importance of lab experience and research opportunities. Hands-on experience is crucial for developing valuable critical thinking and problem-solving skills. That’s why we give our students access to state-of-the-art facilities and can participate in research projects that enhance their understanding of biological processes.

UB’s Biology program boasts experienced faculty who are dedicated to student success. Personalized advising and mentorship help students navigate their pre-dental coursework and prepare for the DAT.



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Bachelor’s in Health Science

The Bachelor’s in Health Sciences major is another excellent option for pre-dental students. Typically more interdisciplinary than Biology, Health Science provides a broader understanding of health-related topics and can prepare students for other healthcare careers, not just dentistry. The Health Sciences BS program at UB covers nutrition, public health, and healthcare management.

This major gives you a comprehensive education, covering everything from science to history. It helps students understand health and wellness from different angles, which is helpful for a future dentist. Learn to think critically, communicate clearly, and make tough decisions—essential skills for any healthcare professional. Plus, the program develops a well-rounded perspective, which can be a considerable advantage when serving patients from all walks of life.

UB’s Health Sciences program features experienced faculty and a supportive learning environment. Students benefit from personalized advising and opportunities for hands-on learning through internships and community engagement.

Bachelor’s in Dental Hygiene

A Bachelor’s in Dental Hygiene program with a pre-dentistry focus is a specialized pathway to accelerate your dental school journey. Unlike the two other pre-dental majors, this program offers a curriculum tailored specifically for aspiring dentists.

Students gain in-depth knowledge of dental anatomy, physiology, and pathology, as well as hands-on clinical training, which provides students with invaluable experience in patient care, oral health education, and dental procedures. This practical foundation sets graduates apart from other pre-dental applicants.

UB’s dedicated faculty and state-of-the-art facilities provide an optimal learning environment. You’ll receive personalized guidance and support as you prepare for the rigors of dental school.

Why these are the best pre-dental majors

Inspired by the career paths of dental hygienists, many students find themselves drawn to the rewarding world of dentistry. The opportunity to help people and contribute to overall health makes it a compelling career choice. However, the academic rigor required for dental school can be daunting.

But why these three majors? Well, Biology provides a deep dive into the human body, which is essential for understanding oral health and disease. Health Sciences offer a broader healthcare perspective, preparing you for the collaborative nature of dental practice. And dental hygiene provides invaluable hands-on experience, allowing you to develop clinical skills and patient interaction abilities that are crucial for future success.

Choosing the perfect major can be challenging, but any of these three options will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to dominate dental school. Remember, your undergraduate experience is more than academics—it’s about you!

So, which path will you choose?

Why choose us?

University of Bridgeport is committed to nurturing the next generation of dental professionals. We offer personalized support to guide you through your pre-dental journey, from selecting suitable courses to mastering the dental school application process. Our dedicated advisors are here to help you every step of the way.

Beyond academics, we foster a vibrant campus community through clubs, organizations, and networking events. Connect with like-minded peers, gain valuable insights from experienced mentors, and explore career opportunities in dentistry.

By choosing UB, you’re investing in a future filled with endless possibilities. Our comprehensive pre-dental program equips you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel in dental school and beyond.

Learn more about UB.


Ready to embark on your dental journey? Apply to University of Bridgeport today!