master's in artificial intelligence program

Is Pursuing a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Worth It?

Today’s rapidly evolving technology could make you wonder whether or not getting a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence is worth it. With its intersection of computer science, data analytics, and digital ethics, a master’s in Artificial Intelligence can not only open … Continue reading Is Pursuing a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Worth It?

future of artificial intelligence

How Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Programs Are Preparing Students for the Future

Artificial intelligence (AI) has popped off the page of sci-fi novels these past few years. Now, all around us—from chatbots to self-driving cars to the facial recognition that opens our phones. AI is everywhere, shaping our world in ways we … Continue reading How Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Programs Are Preparing Students for the Future

What Can Students Expect to Learn in AI Courses?

What Can Students Expect to Learn in AI Courses?

A common headline topic these days, many are interested in the study of Artificial Intelligence and the field’s fascinating future. From personalized shopping recommendations on popular eCommerce sites to smartphone digital assistants, artificial intelligence has changed how we interact and … Continue reading What Can Students Expect to Learn in AI Courses?