beginner-friendly dorm-room workout

Dorm Room Drills: Dorm-Friendly Workouts for College Students

Higher education can certainly take a toll on both your physical and mental health, and while physical activity can be an excellent mood booster, dorm rooms are not the most exercise-friendly spaces. It can be hard to squeeze a quick workout into your busy schedule in a tight dorm room while simultaneously trying not to disturb your studious neighbors.

But fret not — we’re here to help! We’ve compiled a list of dorm room-friendly exercises that will help you remain active while pursuing your education — because you shouldn’t have to sacrifice one for the other.

Get your daily hit of endorphins in the comfort of your dorm room! Whether you’ve got time in between classes or you’re taking a quick brain break, these convenient exercises are perfect for college living. And the best part — these exercises are all equipment-free, so you can break a sweat without breaking the bank!

#1. Squats

Squats are a versatile and effective exercise that can be easily incorporated into a dorm room workout routine for college students. To perform squats, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, then lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back as if you’re sitting down in a chair. Keep your chest up and back straight, then push through your heels to return to the starting position.

Incorporating squats into your dorm room workout routine is an excellent way to help you build strength, improve posture, and increase overall fitness levels.

#2. Crunches

Crunches are a go-to move for toning and strengthening your abs, perfect for college students looking to amp up their dorm room workouts. Lie on your back with knees bent and hands supporting your head lightly. Engage your core as you lift your upper body towards your knees, exhaling as you contract your abs. Keep your neck relaxed and focus on using your abs to lift. Lower back down with control. You can mix it up by changing the tempo, adding twists, or trying different leg positions. These variations target various areas of your abs, helping to sculpt a stronger core, improve posture, and define your midsection.

#3. Planks

Planks are an excellent exercise for dorm room workouts because they require minimal space and no equipment, making them perfect for college students with limited room. They target multiple muscle groups, including the core, shoulders, back, and legs, helping to improve overall strength and stability. To perform a plank, start in a push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heels. Engage your core muscles and hold this position for as long as you can, keeping your hips level and avoiding sagging or lifting.

Planks can be easily modified by resting on your forearms instead of your hands or adding leg lifts or side planks for extra challenge. Incorporating planks into your dorm room workout routine can help build a strong core, improve posture, and enhance overall body strength without needing much space or equipment.

#4. Triceps dips on chair

For this next exercise, you can utilize your dorm room furniture!

Triceps dips using a desk chair are a convenient and effective exercise for dorm room workouts, ideal for college students looking to strengthen their arms and upper body. Simply position yourself in front of the chair with your hands gripping the edge of the seat, fingers facing forward, and legs extended straight out in front of you or bent at the knees for a modified version. Lower your body by bending your elbows until your arms form a 90-degree angle, then push back up to the starting position.

Including triceps dips in your dorm room workout routine can help tone and sculpt your arms while utilizing common furniture for a practical and space-efficient exercise option.

#5. Wall sits

Wall sits can be a challenging yet effective exercise for college students looking to strengthen their lower body muscles without needing much space or equipment in their dorm rooms. To perform a wall sit, find a clear wall and lean your back against it, then lower yourself into a seated position with your knees at a 90-degree angle and your thighs parallel to the floor. Hold this position for as long as you can, focusing on keeping your back flat against the wall and your core engaged. Challenge yourself by extending the duration of the hold.

Incorporating wall sits into your dorm room workout routine can be a great way to add variety and challenge to your lower body workout regimen.


If you’re looking for other ways to stay active as a student, then check out Wheeler Rec  Center to learn more about their facilities, intramurals, and more!


#6. Use your building stairs!

If you don’t want to be confined to your dorm room, then consider utilizing your stairs as part of your exercise routine!

Transform your dorm building staircase into your personal gym equipment. Walking briskly up and down the stairs is an excellent form of cardio that will elevate your heart rate and build up your endurance (just be sure to watch out for other students).

If you’re sick of staring at the posters tacked up on your dorm room walls while squeezing in a quick workout in between classes, then consider breaking the monotony and utilizing your nearest staircase!

#7. Step-ups on chair

Step-ups are another excellent way to utilize your dorm room furniture. To perform step-ups, start by standing in front of a sturdy chair. Step one foot onto the chair and press to lift your body until your leg is straight. Lower yourself back down and repeat on the same leg for your desired number of repetitions. Then, switch and do the same for the other leg.

Step-ups help build strength and improve balance. This exercise can add variety and challenge to your daily workout routine, while utilizing minimal space and equipment!

#8 Lunges

Lunges are an excellent addition to a dorm room workout routine, offering a versatile and effective way to target the legs and build lower body strength.

To perform lunges, start by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart. Take a step forward with one foot, lowering your body until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle, with your front knee directly above your ankle and your back knee hovering just above the floor. Push through your front heel to return to the starting position, then repeat on the other side.

Lunges help to improve leg strength, balance, and coordination. Incorporating lunges into your dorm room workout routine is a great way to work your lower body muscles effectively without needing much space or equipment.

#9 Yoga and stretching

Yoga and stretching are essential components of a well-rounded dorm room workout routine for college students, offering numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Yoga combines stretching, strength, and mindfulness, helping to improve flexibility, balance, and relaxation.

Practicing yoga in a dorm room can be done with minimal space and equipment, making it accessible to students living in small quarters. And a quick tip — if you don’t own a yoga mat, just use a blanket or towel as a substitute!

Whether it’s a quick yoga flow or a few minutes of stretching after a workout, prioritizing these practices can contribute to better physical and mental health during your college years. If you’d rather do yoga in a group setting, remember that classes are offered at Wheeler Rec – just check the schedule!

#10. And if all else fails — dance it out!

If you’re not a fan of traditional exercises like squats and crunches, don’t worry – there are plenty of exciting ways to stay active. Put on your headphones, play your favorite song, and shake it out!

Dancing to music provides an excellent full-body workout. Dancing engages various muscle groups, including the legs, core, arms, and even improves cardiovascular health. Beyond the physical benefits, dancing is a mood lifter and stress reducer, allowing your creativity to shine as you move to the rhythm. So, next time you need a break or want to add some fun to your workout routine, crank up the music and dance like nobody’s watching!

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while pursuing your education doesn’t have to be a struggle — even in the confined space of a dorm room. By incorporating these dorm room-friendly workouts into your routine, you can prioritize your physical and mental well-being without having to pay for a gym membership or costly equipment. Self-care is crucial and can have a significant impact on your overall health and happiness. Welcome these accessible and convenient exercises and let them serve as a reminder that you can achieve balance in both your academic and personal pursuits. Take control of your well-being and enjoy these equipment-free workouts in the comfort of your own dorm room.

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