university of bridgeport graduation

UB Graduates Pave the Way for Future Purple Knights

POV: Under cloudless spring skies, you sit adorned in robes, cords, and an aesthetic mortar board you’ve meticulously decorated. Both ceremonious and bittersweet, you find yourself in the eleventh hour of your college career, awaiting the limitless possibilities ahead of you.

Surrounded by classmates and friends, a feeling of surreal satisfaction swells inside you — those late-night study sessions, hours in the library, and four years’ worth of memories have amounted to this moment. You did it. You’re here.

Such was the sentiment on May 4, 2024, in the Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater when University of Bridgeport’s newest alumni flipped their tassels and crossed the stage, diplomas in hand.
Amidst the hugs, high-fives, fist-bumps, and farewells, members of the graduating class of 2024 took a moment to tilt their caps to UB’s future — ushering in future students by offering their unique Purple Knight perspectives.

Here’s what UB’s latest grads had to say.

What words of wisdom would you offer incoming student athletes?

“Work hard. It goes by really quickly, and before you know it, it’s gone. Just have fun, work hard, and work out!”

– Anthony Pascale, Business Administration

What’s your favorite study spot on campus?

“I like the lounge outside of the old bookstore. It’s nice and quiet.”

– Tameeka Young, Criminal Justice

Who played a positive role in shaping your time at UB?

“I would say Brenda Harrison. She was an incredible professor. I learned so much from her. She really helped me because there was a time when I didn’t think I was going to graduate. She kind of helped sort me out.”

– Melissa Daigneault, Health Sciences

“The friends that I made here and one of my professors, Jani Pallis , for sure. She’s very supportive, especially when it comes to women in STEM and engineering.”

– Laura Salazar, Mechanical Engineering

What advice do you have for future Purple Knights?

“My advice would be to leverage the teachers as much as you can. That’s something I didn’t do in the beginning. These teachers genuinely want to help you — it’s not a paycheck for them. They do care if you get a job afterwards, and they want to see you do good.”

– Daniel Rodriguez, Computer Science

“Have fun in college. Get the best experience that you want to get. Don’t take this for granted. It goes fast.”

– Nicholas Traill, Sport Management

“Stay focused, stay on top of your work, and try to do things in advance little by little. That way, you always stay ahead.”

– Anna Inglant, Nursing

What are your plans for tomorrow?

“My plan for tomorrow is to be great.”

– Joshua Denis, Health Sciences

The future starts with you

The class of 2024 has left a powerful mark on University of Bridgeport. Their passion, perseverance, and unique perspectives fill Purple Knights everywhere with pride. The University congratulates and thanks our newest graduates for paving the way for future students.

And sure — you may have graduated. But at UB, you’ll always belong.


POV: See yourself at UB. Ready to gain your own Purple Knight perspective? Learn more about joining University of Bridgeport’s diverse and dynamic community today! At UB, #UBelong.