Which MBA Specialization is Best?

Which MBA Specialization is Best for Me? 7 Types of MBA Specializations

It makes sense why more and more students pursue a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Employment opportunities in the business sector increase by 911,400 openings each year, on average.

An MBA, or Master’s in Business Administration, prepares you for an executive career in business. But as valuable as these degrees are, earning a specialized MBA can enhance your professional career even more.

Without further ado, seven of the best MBA specializations to consider pursuing. We’ve done the research, so you don’t have to.

Importance of picking an MBA specialization

Selecting an MBA specialization lets you align your academic journey with your career goals, further tailoring your experience and expertise. But choosing which MBA specialization is best for you can be a driving force behind your studies, invigorating you to devote yourself to your studies.

Specializing fosters the development of expertise in a specific area of business and specialized programs often offer networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with professionals and alums, opening the doors to potential career opportunities.

Overview of MBA specializations

From accounting and finance to human resources and marketing, there are numerous areas of focus available. Narrowing the focus of study allows students to customize their time in graduate school, honing in on specific aspects of business that resonate with their interests, objectives, and strengths. Ultimately, this helps graduates find work they’re passionate about and interested in.

Top MBA specializations at UB

Without further ado, let’s dive in. Below, you will find an MBA specialization list that outlines the options available and helps steer you in the right direction.

1. MBA in Accounting

In an Accounting MBA program, students develop a robust skill set to handle economic data effectively. Learning to measure, analyze, and communicate financial information provides students with a comprehensive understanding of business principles and enables students to integrate accounting practices strategically after graduation.

Accounting MBA course examples

  • Managerial & Cost Accounting
  • International Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Personal Taxation

Employment outcomes

Students with an MBA in Accounting have a future of both choice and flexibility, as they are prepared to fulfill multiple roles, such as:

  • Business Development Manager
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Personal Finance Advisor
  • Financial Manager
  • Management Analyst

2. MBA in Analytics Intelligence

Students in Analytics Intelligence programs develop skills to effectively analyze and present enterprise intelligence. And this concentration is not exclusive, allowing students to combine it with other MBA specializations and unite their interests into one degree!

Analytics Intelligence MBA course examples

  • Enterprise Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
  • Business Planning
  • Foundations in Advanced Enterprise Analytics

Employment outcomes

Every day, consumers generate an estimated 2.5 quintillion bytes of data for experts to sort through and explain for executives to make wise decisions.

Some jobs that graduates have include:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Management Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Operations Analyst
  • Supply Chain Analyst
  • Management Consultant

3. MBA in Healthcare Management

An MBA in Healthcare Management equips students with the necessary skills to thrive as leaders in many healthcare environments. By learning strategic decision-making and organizational management skills, graduates are well-prepared to innovate and excel in the healthcare industry.

Healthcare Management MBA course examples

  • Healthcare Quality, Outcomes, and Evidence-Based Care
  • Epidemiology, Population Health, and Data Analytics
  • Healthcare Leadership

Employment outcomes

With an MBA in Healthcare Management, you’ll be prepared to excel in many positions, including:

  • Pharmaceutical Project Management
  • Hospital Administration
  • Healthcare Advisory
  • Hospital Administration
  • Policy Analysis
  • Senior Healthcare Strategy

4. MBA in Human Resources

An MBA in Human Resources Management allows students to cultivate the skills and experience to build a positive workplace culture in any organization. This empowers students to implement innovative strategies that address evolving workforce challenges, ensuring a positive work environment, no matter what future workplaces look like.

Human Resources MBA course examples

  • Human Resources Management
  • Organizational Development
  • Workforce Assessment

Employment outcomes

Graduates with an MBA specialization in Human Resources Management are prepared to work various jobs. Some of these include:

  • Recruitment
  • Employee Relations
  • Strategic Planning
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Organizational Development
  • Training and Development



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5. MBA in Finance

Throughout an MBA in Finance program, students understand fundamental principles that serve as the foundation for the finance industry. Developing the technical prowess essential for navigating complex financial landscapes, students build skills necessary to make wise financial decisions for big and small organizations.

Finance MBA course examples

  • Investment Analysis
  • International Financial Management
  • Technical Analysis and Trading
  • Financial Analysis and Modeling
  • Managerial Economics

Employment outcomes

Graduates with an MBA in Finance are highly sought after by employers due to their proficiency in financial management and refined analytical skills. Some careers open to those who hold an MBA in Finance include:

  • Financial Manager
  • Financial Analyst
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Budget Analyst
  • Corporate Controller

6. MBA in Management

In a Management MBA program, students master the art of purposeful leadership. Throughout the program, students cultivate an understanding of the nuances involved in managing successful organizations.

Management MBA course examples

  • Leadership, Teams, and Managing Change
  • Human Resources Management
  • New Product Commercialization
  • Intellectual Property Management
  • Strategic Sourcing and Vendor Management

Employment outcomes

Those who complete an MBA in Management can work in various types of environments in a number of roles. This really is the “one-size-fits-most” degree.

Some career paths graduates may explore include:

  • Project Management
  • Operations Management
  • Information Management
  • Consulting

7. MBA in Marketing

In a Marketing MBA program, students gain a deep understanding of consumer behavior and its impact on business strategies. They learn to create, promote, distribute, price, and manage products, services, and ideas effectively to meet consumer needs.

Marketing MBA course examples

  • Customer Analysis
  • Electronic and Mobile Business
  • Personal Sales and Sales Management
  • Global Marketing Management
  • Customer Relationship Management

Employment outcomes

Graduates with an MBA in Marketing explore career paths and job titles such as:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Market Communications Director
  • Marketing Director

Choosing the Right MBA Specialization

Choosing the right specialization can be overwhelming. But with a few key points in mind, you should be able to whittle down these seven to a few that might work best for you.

Consider Your Career Goals

When choosing the best MBA specialization for you, reflect on your career objectives. Consider where you envision working in the future and assess the earning potential. Determine your preference for teamwork versus individual work and whether you aspire to take on leadership roles.

Assess Current Skills and Interests

Consider what you excel at. What topics or tasks do you enjoy, and what activities do you find fulfilling? This self-assessment will provide valuable insight into the career path that aligns most closely with your skills, interests, and passions.

Understanding Marketing Demand

Analyze industry trends and job growth projections to anticipate skills you’ll need. Identify the qualifications employers seek across different sectors and conduct comprehensive research on job postings, salaries, and market competition.

How to Pursue an MBA Specialization

Requirements Before Pursuing an MBA

Applicants must meet specific prerequisites before starting an MBA program. These typically include a bachelor’s degree from a university or recognized international institution.

Additionally, maintaining an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher is often required, and depending on their undergraduate background, applicants may qualify for waivers of up to 12 credits of preparatory business coursework. This may sound like more work, but these waivers allow prospective students to further tailor their academic journey to their individual needs by bringing in credits from other programs or schools.

Application Process

Prospective students can conveniently apply online for the MBA program. The application requires:

  1. The official transcripts from your undergraduate degree.
  2. Two letters of recommendation, which highlight the applicant’s work ethic, academic or professional experience, and suitability for the program.
  3. A personal statement, typically 250-500 words, detailing the applicant’s motivation for pursuing an MBA.
  4. A résumé outlining the applicant’s educational background, work experience, skills, and achievements.

Declaring an MBA Specialization

Again, don’t do this alone. Talk to an academic advisor, recent graduates, or others with relevant experience. These people can all provide valuable assistance in ensuring that you select the appropriate courses aligned with your desired MBA concentration. By doing the proper research, you can create a tailored academic plan that meets the requirements of your chosen specialization and catapults you into the career of your dreams.

MBA Specialization FAQ

What is the Difference Between an MBA Specialization and a Major?

An MBA specialization focuses on specific areas of business, while a major in undergraduate education denotes the primary field of study for a bachelor’s degree.

Which is the Best MBA Specialization?

This one’s a trick question. There is no “best” specialization, only the “best” specialization for your individual goals and interests.

Which is the Highest-Paying MBA Specialization?

Finance, consulting, and technology management often lead to higher salaries. Still, individual factors play a significant role, and you’ll find financially stable positions in any industry with an MBA under your belt.

Which MBA Specialization is Best for You?

While we can’t answer this questions for you, we do understand that choosing the right MBA specialization is pivotal. And at UB, we offer specialized programs tailored to specific areas of business that can enhance your expertise and marketability, among a wide range of other benefits.


If you’re ready to take the next step, explore the specialized MBA programs University of Bridgeport offers.

Apply now to unlock new opportunities for professional growth and success.