how long is an edd program

How Long Does It Take to Complete an Educational Leadership Degree at the Doctorate Level?

Earning your Doctorate in Educational Leadership (Ed.D.) is a great accomplishment. As you start to consider a doctorate degree, you may worry about the time commitment. Whether you recently graduated with your master’s degree or have been out of school for many years, it can be an overwhelming process. Below is a general overview of how long it takes to earn your Ed.D.

Ed.D. Tracks or Concentrations

Some schools have different tracks or concentration options for students. The time to complete will vary depending on these additional courses or factors. For example, University of Bridgeport offers three different tracks for students looking to earn their Educational Leadership Doctorate.

The shortest track is 42-credits and is available to students with a Certificate of Advanced Students, Education Specialist (Ed.S.), or Sixth Year Degree in Education. This track is perfect for students who’ve earned an Educational Administration Sixth Year to hold their 092 certification.

For teachers who are looking to earn their 092 certification, University of Bridgeport offers a 66-credit track. By earning your 092 in conjunction with your doctorate degree, you strengthen your options for advancement and Educational Leadership career growth.

For students who have a master’s degree and are not looking to earn the 092, they can complete on the 62-credit track.

Ed.D. Timeline

Depending on the program, students can expect to complete their Educational Leadership Doctorate in 3 – 4 years. At University of Bridgeport, the timeline to complete depends on the track students are on. Students in the 42-credit track can finish in 3 years, while the 62 and 66 credit tracks average 3.5 – 4 years to complete.

The timeline to complete also depends on the student and their individual course load. In order to be eligible for the federal loan, students must take 6 credits per semester. When looking at EdD programs to apply to, it’s important to look at the class formatting. Online, asynchronous courses can offer an

advantage as students can complete assignments at times that are convenient for them. Online courses also eliminate commute time, allowing students more time to focus on their schoolwork.

Some schools, like University of Bridgeport, have a residency component. During the residency, you are able to network with your fellow classmates, meet the faculty, and use on-campus resources. This Hybrid Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership format allows for a nice balance between online learning and in person connections.

Ed.D. Time Limit

Many schools have a time limit to complete degrees. At University of Bridgeport, student have up to 7 years to complete their Doctorate in Educational Leadership. This allows for flexibility in structuring your schedule. For example, maybe during the Spring semester you can take more classes than you can in the Fall. While some students want to finish as fast as possible, others like the idea of taking their time during their doctorate degree.

Ed.D. Application Timeline

While each program will have their own admissions requirements, in general you can expect to provide the following application materials: transcripts, resume, personal statement/letter of intent, letters of recommendation, and a writing sample.

Some schools may have fixed application deadlines, which is important to take note of. Schools, like University of Bridgeport, that have rolling admissions will allow you optimal flexibility when submitting your application. You will even benefit from not having to wait until after the deadline for an admissions decision.

Next Steps

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