artificial intelligence master's degree

What You’ll Learn in a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Program

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming a huge part of various industries, reshaping how businesses operate across all sectors. This is why, now more than ever, it is becoming easier and easier to see the benefits of pursuing a master’s in Artificial Intelligence.

A master’s in AI is not just a credential. It’s the start of becoming a sought-after professional in a rapidly evolving tech world. As the uses of technology expand, so does the demand for skilled professionals who can help develop, implement, and manage it. This advanced degree equips graduates with deep expertise and practical skills, positioning them as leaders in the AI-driven economy.

At University of Bridgeport (UB), we pride ourselves on being pioneers of innovation and research in education. We are committed to preparing our students for whatever the future of AI may hold. And as the first and only institution offering a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence in Connecticut, University of Bridgeport stays true to that commitment. Graduates emerge willing and able to tackle any challenges they face and drive innovation in both commercial and academic settings.

What is a Masters in Artificial Intelligence?

Our master’s in AI curriculum covers the role of AI in depth. With a Master of Science in AI, you’ll join leaders at the forefront of these changes, offering you the potential to make a positive difference by joining this evolving, life-changing, and revolutionary field.

At UB, you’ll practice your skills in robotics at the Interdisciplinary Robotics, Intelligent Sensing, and Control (RISC) Laboratory, our 3D manufacturing facility for robotic manipulators, autonomous robots and sensory interpreters, and uncrewed aerial vehicles and drones. You’ll develop commercially applicable projects in conjunction with our expert faculty and gain practical experience that will benefit you in your career.

UB’s Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence also includes four different areas of specialization that you can mix and match to personalize your experience in the program and best prepare you for the career of your dreams.

Foundational concepts in AI

Students who decide to plunge into UB’s master’s in artificial intelligence program will first master foundational concepts essential for understanding AI’s underlying principles and applications.

Machine learning (ML)

ML involves a variety of things. Students create and train algorithms to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without explicit programming.

They also gain an understanding of supervised learning and how it uses labeled data to train models, while unsupervised learning finds hidden patterns in unlabeled data. Common algorithms include linear regression for predicting continuous variables, decision trees for classification tasks, and k-means clustering for pattern recognition.

Neural networks

Inspired by the human brain, neural networks consist of interconnected nodes (neurons) that process data. Students will learn about the structure and function of neurons, as well as how to train neural networks using techniques like backpropagation to adjust weights and minimize prediction errors.

Natural language processing (NLP)

NLP focuses on enabling machines to interact with human languages and understand and respond to text and speech. Students will explore key techniques such as tokenization, sentiment analysis, and machine translation, along with applications in chatbots, virtual assistants, and language translation services.

Advanced AI concepts

Building upon foundational knowledge, UB’s master’s program delves into advanced AI concepts essential for tackling complex real-world challenges.

Deep learning

Deep learning employs neural networks with many layers to model complex patterns in large datasets. Students will learn concepts including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image processing, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for sequential data analysis, and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks for retaining context over extended periods.

Computer vision

Computer vision enables machines to interpret visual data, identify objects, recognize patterns, and make decisions based on images and video. Topics include image recognition, object detection, and tracking, vital for applications in autonomous vehicles, robotics, and surveillance systems.


Students will learn how integrating AI with robotics enhances automation capabilities, enabling robots to perform complex tasks autonomously. They will explore AI’s role in robotic systems, integrating sensors and algorithms to create intelligent machines capable of operating in diverse environments, from manufacturing floors to exploration missions.



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Practical applications of AI

AI has already made a significant impact in various fields. It’s transforming how business is done and enhancing our capabilities in incredible ways.


AI is completely changing the way health professionals take care of their patients. AI algorithms help analyze image scans like X-rays and MRIs with incredible precision. This makes diagnosis a breeze and also allows for more individualized treatment plans.

AI also plays a significant role in personalizing medical treatment. By using existing patient data, like genetic profiles and lifestyle habits, to tailor treatment plans, AI can assist clinicians in forecasting patient outcomes, optimizing resource allocation, and enhancing the overall healthcare experience.


AI is changing the way things get done in the financial world. It’s boosting security, more accurately predicting market trends, and helping financial advisors optimize investments. AI-powered systems can also detect and prevent fraud in real time.

Also, some AI programs can quickly analyze large volumes of financial data. This helps industry professionals make accurate market predictions and trend forecasts.

Financial institutions leverage AI algorithms in all sorts of ways. Why not? It makes it much easier to manage investment portfolios, make data-driven decisions, and maximize returns. There is no wonder why it’s starting to show up in more places.

Autonomous vehicles

We’ve all probably heard about autonomous vehicles. Their AI programs allow them to automatically perceive surroundings, navigate safely, and adapt to road conditions.

Self-driving cars integrate data from loads of tiny cameras, radar, LIDAR, and other high-tech sensors to electronically imagine their environment in real time. All the information from the cameras and sensors allows it to detect obstacles, interpret different traffic signals, and make informed driving decisions without input from the person sitting in the driver’s seat.

AI-powered navigation systems plan the fastest routes, adjust driving behaviors, and can even ensure safe interactions with pedestrians.

Their machine-learning algorithms allow self-driving cars to continuously learn and improve their ability to operate safely in any driving scenario.

These applications highlight AI’s truly transformative impact across healthcare, finance, and autonomous vehicles, driving innovation and efficiency in each field, respectively.

Your future in AI begins here

UB’s master’s in artificial intelligence program equips students with a comprehensive skill set and practical experience to excel in the burgeoning field of AI.

Whether pursuing careers in industry or academia, graduates emerge as innovative leaders capable of leveraging AI to address global challenges and drive technological advancements. Explore UB’s master’s in artificial intelligence program today to embark on a transformative journey toward shaping the future of AI.


Take the first step towards a rewarding career in AI by applying to UB’s master’s program today, or click here to learn more.