a robot showing what can you do with a master’s in artificial intelligence

What Can You Do With a Master’s in AI?

From medicine to security to manufacturing, very few industries can get by without the use of artificial intelligence. The McKinsey Global Institute predicts that artificial intelligence will contribute $13 trillion to the global economy over the next ten years. By 2030, 70% of businesses will have adopted the use of at least one kind of AI technology. AI careers are the jobs of the future. Pursuing a master’s in AI is a wonderful investment for students interested in entering the field of artificial intelligence or, for tech professionals keen to advance their role. Here are just a few careers available to graduates who earn an AI master’s degree.

Software Engineer

A software engineer (or developer) creates software solutions. Software engineers are architects that design, test, and maintain software based on users’ needs. They can also recommend changes and upgrades for customers based on their existing computer systems and software programs. Often, software engineers work with other computer specialists to troubleshoot and optimize software.

Job Outlook
Software development is expected to grow by 22% over the next ten years. The need for software engineers will continue to grow in tandem with the demand for new applications. The health industry, especially, will need more innovative software as enrollment in insurance policies continues to move fully online.

Software engineers make an average of $110,140 per year, with the lowest 10% of earners making $65,210 and the highest 10% earning $170,000 or more.

Data Analyst

Data science is a broad field, however, data analysts serve a particularly significant role. Organizations and companies use data to describe and understand the functions in their day-to-day operations. Data analysts allot a numerical value to these functions so that any inefficiencies can be identified and addressed. A data analyst may work in descriptive analytics, diagnostic analytics, predictive analytics, or prescriptive analytics. Using their expertise, they can also design data systems and databases.

Job Outlook
Data analysis and operations research is set to grow 25% by 2029, over five times faster than the national average for other careers. Companies will continue to seek out ways to increase their efficiency and lower their operating costs. Data analysts will be in demand to help companies improve businesses’ planning and decision-making.

Data analysts can expect to earn an average salary of $86,200 a year. According to IBM, however, demand for data scientists is set to increase along with the average starting salary.

Robotics Programmer

Robotics is a multifaceted field which unites the various kinds of engineering (mechanical, electronic, computer, and systems). Robotics are used in a variety of industries including the transportation, medicine, aerospace, and automotive industry. Robotics programmers and engineers use their understanding of engineering, automation, programming, and mathematics to design, program, and maintain robots and other kinds of automation systems.

Job Outlook
The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that robotics and mechanical engineering will grow by 9% yearly between now and 2026. There may be a skills shortage in the robotics and AI market in coming years, making graduates of master’s of AI programs a commodity.

On average, robotics programmers and engineers can expect to earn an annual salary of $82,969. Depending on geographic location and the size of the corporation employing them, robotics programmers can even make upwards of $100,000 annually.

UX Designer

In simple terms, a UX designer creates advanced software using their knowledge of the ways in which humans use technology. UX designers work with their team members to prototype new kinds of software, research product design, write production code, and ultimately deliver an effective user experience. UX designers have the skills of a front-end engineer as well as the research capabilities necessary to design user-friendly programs.

Job Outlook
Similar to software engineering, UX design is expected to grow by over 20% between now and 2029. As companies depend more and more on software to run the day-to-day of their business, software engineers and UX designers will be needed to ensure that clients can use software easily and effectively.

The average annual salary for UX designers is $76,535. Entry-level UX designers can expect to make an average of $64,241 per year.

Whether you’re currently working in technology and hoping to get a leg up in the industry, or you’re looking to gain new skills in this advanced field, a master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence is a great investment. With the versatility you can gain through earning this degree, you’ll have a variety of career paths to explore and choose from upon graduation.