Concentrated Practicum
The concentrated practicum allows you to apply your studies in a professional setting that aligns best with your goals.
You will work with the course instructor and practicum site to determine the details of the 75-hour commitment. The work activities are structured based on your interest and decided learning outcomes, with appropriate evaluation mechanisms determined by the site facilitator and the course instructor.
Areas of focus
- Student teaching in clinical, laboratory, and didactic settings
- Research
- Public health
- Consumer advocate
- Publishing
- Administrative
Field site opportunities
University of Bridgeport’s Fones School of Dental Hygiene has over 100 facilities currently used for the concentrated practicum and student teaching, with new sites added each year as student interest and geographical locations increase.
Students are able to take advantage of field site agreements with a continuously expanding set of schools, including:
- NHTI Concord’s Community College
- Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
- College of DuPage, Illinois
- Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
- Tunxis Community College, Connecticut
- Monroe Community College, New York
Your future starts today!
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- We have comprehensive support services that will get you through college and into a great career