Graduation Requirements

Students are required to apply to graduate and indicate intent to participate in the Commencement Ceremony. Designated faculty (certifiers) will pre-certify students within each academic program, ensuring the eligibility of all candidates. The pre-certification process occurs from February 1, 2025 to March 1, 2025.

Students will receive their graduation commencement participation eligibility status the week of March 3, 2025. During that time, students will receive an email from to their UB email address. Eligibility is processed through the Registrar’s office based off the certifiers decision. The graduation fee of $150 will be assessed upon completion of the Graduation Application form, whether or not a student participates in the ceremony. You will find the Graduation Application in your UB Portal in Student Self-Service under “Commencement Overview”

Students can review their individual loan information by logging on to All students who received Federal Direct Loans MUST complete the Exit Interview by April 13, 2025. The Federal Direct Loan Exit Interview is available online at

Please note that all outstanding balances owed to the University must be paid in full before the Office of the Registrar will release the diploma to the student. Please contact Student Financial Services with questions at 203‑576‑4568 or .


Final certification


College of Engineering, Business, and Education

College of Health Sciences

College of Science and Society