Orthopedics and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine (NMSM)

Become a chiropractic specialist and improve the quality of your patient care. This post-doctoral program is designed specifically for practicing chiropractic physicians interested in becoming neuromusculoskeletal medicine specialists in private practice or health care systems, including:
- Community health centers
- Rural health centers
- Hospitals
- Health Science centers
- Medical clinics
- Allopathic, Chiropractic, and Naturopathic medical schools
The advanced clinical training will prepare you to become a chiropractic neuromusculoskeletal medicine specialist and enhance your skills necessary to evaluate and manage the care of patients with acute pain, chronic pain, and high-impact chronic pain syndromes. University of Bridgeport offers a combination of onsite seminars and online learning, which reduces your opportunity costs by decreasing travel expenses and time away from your practice and family. This innovative, contemporary, and comprehensive post-doctoral training program offers a range of topics, including:
- Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine
- Neurosciences for the Chiropractic Clinician
- Orthopedic Evaluation and Management
- Neurological Evaluation and Management
- Pain Evaluation and Management
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Primary Care Medicine and the Chiropractic Specialist
- Integrative Medicine
- Evidence-based Chiropractic Medicine
- Patient-Centered Care
- Federally Qualified Health Center
- Patient-Centered Medical Home
- Community Health Centers
Enroll into the Chiropractic Orthopedics and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Program (NMSM)
Army Chiropractors
University of Bridgeport’s Orthopedics and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine (NMSM) program has been added to the ArmyIgnitED* approved training list.
If you are an Army Chiropractor that wants to take postdoctoral training in NMSM, the ArmyIgnitED program will pay for the tuition and board examination fees.
Please contact and to request information and verify your eligibility.
Veterans/ Chiropractors
The Veterans Administration has approved the Chiropractic Orthopedics and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine program. The VA will pay or reimburse you for the total tuition for this postdoctoral training.
* The Department of Defense and the Department of the Army are neither affiliated with nor endorses the University of Bridgeport.
Qualify to apply for board certification as a Chiropractic Specialist
Upon completion of this post-doctoral course of study, you will be qualified to apply for board certification through the International Academy of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine. With this “Board Certification” as a Diplomate in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine (DIANM), you will have the credentials necessary to become a member of an integrated, health care team within a Federally Qualified Health Center, Community Health Center or a Patient-Centered Medical Home as a Chiropractic Specialist.
For more information, contact nmsm@bridgeport.edu or call 203-576-4880.
Registration and fees
Contact us for information regarding future seminars or start online today!
Ten-hour weekend seminars: $300
Total program hours available:
Orthopedics Specialty (a minimum total of 300 hours required)
Online 300 hours
Chiropractic Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Residency
Chiropractic graduates who apply and are conditionally accepted into University of Bridgeport’s three-year, post-doctoral Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Resident Training Program must be credentialed by University of Bridgeport and a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) where the Resident will serve as a member of the medical staff. Additionally, FQHCs generally require re-credentialing of residents on an annual basis through a peer review process coordinated by the program director of the resident training program.
In order to successfully complete the neuromusculoskeletal medicine residency, residents are required to complete a rigorous academic and clinical training program and then pass the two-part examination offered by the International Academy of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine. Completion of this process entitles the chiropractic physician to use the board certification title of Diplomate of the International Academy of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine (DIANM).
A board-certified chiropractic neuromusculoskeletal medicine specialist focuses on the evaluation and management of patients suffering with pain syndromes and neuromusculoskeletal conditions.
None of the courses and programs associated with University of Bridgeport’s Orthopedics and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine program are Title IV eligible.
Chiropractic Forensics post-doctoral training program
In order to complete your forensics training, you must complete a 320 hour program, which involves completion of three steps.
Step one:
You must complete 100 hours of Basic Forensics classes. We accept the listed sources below.
- Complete 100 hours of the “emedicolegal” classes. You must complete the Impairment Rating classes within this set of classes.
- Complete 100 hours of the International Academy on Independent Medical Examiners classes.
- Complete 100 hours of the ChiroCredit Forensics classes.
Step two:
Complete the 200 hours of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Forensics classes with a passing grade point of 80%. If you have successfully completed the NMSM 300 hours, you are not required to complete this step.
Step three:
This is the final step that must be completed following the completion of the first two steps. You must attend the 20-hour seminar by the ACA Council of Forensics Sciences.
2024 conference dates:
September 26-28, 2024
2024 conference location:
Chicago Marriott Oak Brook
1401 W 22nd Street
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523
Start online today!
Presentation materials
Dr Steven Brown: Plausible Mechanisms by which Cervical Spine Manipulation Can Cause Immediate Stroke
- Hour I: Biography and Case Review (PDF)
- Hour II: Plausible Mechanisms of Causation (PDF)
- Hour III: Clinical & Medicolegal Implications (PDF)
Dr Anthony Nicholson: High Impact Chronic Pain: The Unique Role of the Chiropractic Specialist (PDF)
Dr Nelson Marquina: Traumatic Bran Injury and Concussions (PDF)
American Chiropractic Association (ACA)
- ACA NCLC Evidence-Based Chiropractic within a Community Health Center (PDF)
- Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Residency: An Example of Interprofessional Collaboration (PDF)
American College of Chiropractic Orthopedists (ACCO)
- ACCO April 2019: Spinal Imaging and the Differential Diagnosis of Permanent Spinal Ligament Laxity and Its Clinical Correlation (PPT)
- ACCO Whiplash Associated Disorders presentation 2023 - Hours 1-2 (PPT)
- ACCO Whiplash Associated Disorders presentation 2023 - Hours 3-4 (PPT)
- FACA Resident Training 2023 (PPT)
- Jahn ACCO 1 (PDF)
- Jahn ACCO 2 (PDF)
- A Compendium of Federally Qualified Health Center Experiences: The Connecticut Experiences (PPT)
- Connecticut Chiropractic Association District Meeting – Coccygodynia Protocols (PDF)
- Non-pharmacological therapy Chronic Pain and Opioid Addictions CCA October 2018 1 hour (PPT)
Florida Chiropractic Physician Association (FCPA)
- FCPA Chronic Pain and Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions including Coccygodynia (PPT)
- FCPA Enhanced Payments (PPT)
- FCPA 2020 Statin Myopathy with ABC Part 1 and 2 (PPT)
Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine (NMSM)
- A Compendium of Federally Qualified Health Center rural health centers MN (PPT)
- Anomalies and Variants of the Spine (PDF)
- Bertelsman Slides ICS DACO LBP Notes (PDF)
- Chiropractic Orthopedics and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine (PDF)
- Chronic Pain and Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions (PPT)
- Coccygodynia: “A Pain in the Rear” (PDF)
- Differential Diagnosis Functional vs. Structural Scoliosis (PDF)
- Differential Diagnosis of Anterior Knee Pain (PPT)
- Differential Diagnosis of Chronic Low Back Pain (PPT)
- Differential Diagnosis of Chronic Low Back Pain (PDF)
- Differential Diagnosis of Radial Tunnel Syndrome and Lateral Epicondylosis (PPT)
- Differential Diagnosis Patellofemoral Arthralgia and Chondromalacia Patellae (PDF)
- Documentation-History Examination E M (PDF)
- Evaluation Management of Internal Derangement of the Knee 2020 (PPT)
- Evidence-Based Practice and Patient-Centered Care (PDF)
- Extremity Examination (PDF)
- Health Care Reform: How to Participate in Coordinated Care Organizations (PDF)
- Imaging of Trauma to the Spine (PDF)
- Infections: Osteomyelitis/Diskitis (PDF)
- Internal Derangement of the Knee (PDF)
- Lumbar Radiculopathy (PDF)
- Marquina Pain Management UoB Handout
- Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries and Concussions (PDF)
- Miller Full Practical Assessment
- Miller Mental CN (PDF)
- Miller MOI New Photo (PDF)
- Miller MRCS Neuro (PDF)
- NMSK Conditions Lower Extremity Convention (PDF)
- NMSK Conditions Spine Convention (PDF)
- NMSK Conditions Upper Extremity Convention (PDF)
- NMSM Chronic Pain and Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions (PPT)
- NMSM Chronic Pain and Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions 2020 (PPT)
- NMSM Differentiation of Radial and Lateral Epicondylosis (PPT)
- NMSM Evidence-Based Chiropractic Practice within a Community Health Center (PPT)
- NMSM Posture Practice Notes Weiniger (PDF)
- Orthopedic Radiology (PDF)
- Practical Assessment in Ortho Exam Specifications (PDF)
- Red Flags: Part 1, Reports (PDF)
- Red Flags: Part 2, Phases of Healing (PDF)
- Red Flags: Part 3, Outcome Measures (PDF)
- Red Flags: Part 4, Symptom Magnification (PDF)
- Red Flags: Part 5, Pain Theories (PDF)
- Red Flags: Part 6, Defense Triggers (PDF)
- Spinal Cord Emergency and Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (PDF)
- Spinal Cord Emergency and Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (PPT)
- Spinal Tumors and Tumor-like Conditions (PDF)
- Statin Myopathy with ABC Part 1 and 2 (PDF)
- Statin Myopathy with ABC Part 1 and 2 (PPT)
- Steele PowerPoint (PDF)
- Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (PDF)
- Whiplash Associated Disorder NMSM Hours 1 and 2 - 2019 (PPT)
- Whiplash Associated Disorder NMSM Hours 3 and 4 - 2019 (PPT)
- Whiplash Associated Disorder NMSM Hours 5 and 6 - 2019 (PPT)
- Whiplash Associated Disorder NMSM Hours 1 and 2 - 2020 (PPT)
- Whiplash Associated Disorder NMSM Hours 3 and 4 - 2020 (PPT)
- Whiplash Associated Disorder NMSM Hours 5 and 6 - 2020 (PPT)
- Whiplash Associated Disorders – Hours 1-2 (PPT)
- Whiplash Associated Disorders – Hours 3-4 (PPT)
- Whiplash Associated Disorders – Hours 5-6 (PPT)
- Whiplash Associated Disorders – Hours 7-10 (PPT)
- Whiplash Associated Disorders – Hours 11-12 (PPT)
- The Value of Evidence-Based Practice (PDF) by James J. Lehman, DC, and Robert C. Jones, DC (July 2012)
- Health Care Reform: Primary Care Teams in ACOS (PDF) by James J. Lehman, DC, and Daren Anderson, MD (April 2013)
- Healthcare Reform: Implications for Chiropractic (PDF) by James J. Lehman, DC (December 2013)
- Continuing and Postgraduate Education for Today’s Chiropractic Clinician (PDF) by James J. Lehman, DC (June/July 2014)
- Opportunities in Health Care Reform (PDF) by James J. Lehman, DC, Daren Anderson, MD, and Michael Taylor, DC (November 2014)
- Statin Myopathy A Common Cause of Chronic Pain (PDF) by James J. Lehman, DC (April 2015)
- Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion (PDF) by James J. Lehman, DC, FACO (June/July 2015)
- Whiplash Associated Disorders (PDF) by James J. Lehman, DC, and Anthony D. Nicholson, MChiro (October 2015)
- Health Care Reform: Integration of Chiropractic for Chronic Pain Treatment into Community Health Centers (PDF) by James J. Lehman, DC, Margaret Flinter, PhD, Veena Channamsetty, MD, and Daren R. Anderson, MD (January/February 2016)